Low Velocity ammo for close ranges ?

Big Bunny

New member
Anyone know of plane-friendly or anti-personnel projectiles for use in confined spaces or near fragile equipment ?

I understand ADI makes some made of "red talc" for this purpose and it will not cause de-pressuration but will cause casulties. My inquiries have drawn a blank.

Is this pie-in-the-sky or are there better aslternatives.
What would be the ballistics and is home-loading possible of such a possibly useful and community-protecting round?

Any LEOs or Marshalls out there who can advise?:confused:


New member

Back in the 1950s, there were.22 shorts called "Rockets" if I remember correctly. They came in a box like a Chicklet box with a see-thru celephane section. The advertised muzzle velocity was 1600something. The bullets looked like lead but were more like dried paper mache. Lost velocity very quickly. I just saw something that reminded me of them recently called frangible bullets. Maybe they are the same thing. I don't think they would punch a hole in a plane but at close range would be lethal. Back in the 1960s, there were shotgun shells that held small (#6 size) round pellets that were plastic. They were brought out for riot control so the police wouldn't kill the rioters. Samples were given out at the Camp Perry police firearm school. I still have one. I think the same would apply here as far as use inside a plane. Quantrill


New member
If you cannot hit a man-sized target at the range dictated by the size of the aircraft, I suggest you leave your firearm at home.

In addition, the major decompression disasters caused by a single bullet are present only in the movies!

Big Bunny

New member
Thanks everyone, I feel the consequences of gunplay on aircraft are less severe than the WTC type mass murders and so worth going for! Most interesting, good postings and other Web-sites were brilliant.

[Pity they didn't keep the marshalls on the planes due to costs, 'EL AL' from Israel(?) still does - I hear.]

BB ;)