Low power scope WITHOUT fast focus eye piece!!!


New member
What I need:

-True 1X
-Variable up to 4x or more
-Better light gathering abilities than my Nikon 1-4x20 african scope
-Preferably fairly light weight
-DOES NOT HAVE a fast focus eye piece (unless it is somehow "lockable" to a certain setting, not sure if that even exists:confused:)
-Duplex or German #4 type heavy reticle
-under $800

Now dismiss the following if you don't want to hear my rant, but please give suggestions for scopes matching the above criteria! Thanks.

I purchased a Nikon 1-4x20 african scope in the past year, and thought i was buying exactly what i wanted, sadly it wasn't even close...I like the reticle, clarity, and magnification. I do not like how dam stiff the zoom adjuster ring is, its much stiffer than needed to hold the zoom, far too stiff. I am an assembly man/part time car mechanic and have strong, large hands..so its not b/c of lack of hand strength! The adjuster is just that stiff. My biggest gripe, and why I AM SELLING IT (contact me if you would like it, i have the original box and its in excellent condition) is that is has this fast focus eye piece garbage. I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would want this. You set the eye piece focus up once and you are finished. There is no need (that i personally have ever had, especially on a low power scope) to readjust. The problem is, that when walking or even sitting in the woods, after normal gentle handling, you look, and your focus is misadjusted! Now your target is blurry!!! This is used in the north east deer woods, GOD HELP ME if I made the mistake to use this on a real dangerous game hunt, i literally would BE DEAD b/c of a severely out of adjustment focus. The kicker here is, the fast focus eye piece adjustment friction IS FAR LESS THAN THE MAGNIFICATION RING!!! ***!!! This scope will blow your hunt in the north east and kill you in africa, i would never recommend it to anyone for this fault alone. Marketing it as a dangerous game scope, when the scope will literally go out of focus in 10 minutes of hiking, is not only absurd, its down right deadly.

I then started looking at another scope, the Weaver super slam 1-5x 30mm tube scope. This scope has everything I want, however, i am unsure if it has the fast focus adjustment?, can anyone confirm if it does or does not? The weaver website makes no mention of it. I've read it advertised as having it and have seen ads with no mention of it. I've also seen the tube size listed as 1" or 30mm and the weight vary by 15oz! So i'm really not sure what to believe, i was looking into the model #849352. I am wondering also if any of these company's have some sort of locking feature on the fast focus ring instead of just relying on friction...



Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I don't see a 1-5x30 listed on their site but they say the 1-5x24 weighs 14.8 ounces and the 2-10x40 weighs 19 ounces. I can't imagine a 30 could weigh that more than 16 ounces or so.

The "fast focus" eye piece, I've never had the problem you describe with these. It sounds like a fluke of your particular poorly built unit.

Maybe they thought they were tightening the eyepiece when they made the magnification adjustment so hard to move.:D;)

I've always been curious about the utility of a 1x scope for deer. My scope is usually set at 5x and the one time I used a 1x red dot I couldn't stand it, it lasted 1 day before it was gone. I usually set my scope to 9x as soon as I see a deer, even if the shot is going to be 30 yards. Not saying you're wrong and I'm right, I just find it curious.


New member

Under features and benefits it says (all super slams have)" 1" tubes the 1-5x24mm Dangerous Game has a 30mm tube"

Thats straight from weaver, but like i mentioned, other sites have listed this scope up to 28oz or something crazy! So there is a lot of misinformation about it...

As for zoom preference i guess its just different strokes for different folks kind of thing, i've been gravitating from higher zoom to lower zoom scopes as time goes on...and i think you may be onto something with the tightening of the eye piece!

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus

30mm tube, yeah. That's the tube size. Your current scope has a 1" tube but a 20mm objective. The Weaver has a 30mm tube and a 24mm objective.

So, the Weaver is a 1-5x24, your current scope is a 1-4x20.

The Weaver should have considerably better light gathering.

30mm is 1.18 inches. The area of a 1" tube is .7853 sq/inches. The area of a 30mm tube is 1.093 sq/inches. So the 30mm tube is almost 40% bigger.

A 20mm is objective is .787 sq.inches, while a 24mm is .944 sq/inches. The 20mm is .486 sq/inches and the 24 is .700 inches, or 44% bigger.

Curious that the scope would have an objective smaller than the tube. I've never noticed one like that before but I pay no never mind to such small scopes.

(You'd need new rings too, for a 30mm tube.)


New member
^ I am partial to their sister company, Redfield.

This isn't exactly what you asked for, but I think you will be happy with it. 54 reviews and a 4.8/5 star rating... Try to get 54 people to agree to liking anything.


They have the reticle you want, but I have greatly enjoyed the Acc-Range reticle system that they offer for this model as well. This is a 2-7x33mm scope.

Their scopes have adjustable focus with a ring to lock it in place. Zoom adjustment is firm but easily adjusted. Clarity and light transmission are awesome. Holds zero well. Great warranty, made in the USA. It is much below your price range.

