Low/off center primer strike


New member
I have a Ruger No.1 in 300H&H. I've put about 180-200 rounds thru it, and, I'm getting off center and low primer strikes. Is this Ok,normal for No.1's? Or, is there easy fix for this? What do you guys think? Thanks.:confused:


New member
Without direct experience with the No. 1, or knowing if off center primer hits are normal,
It might be that either the channel for the firing pin is slightly off, or the firing pin is slightly misshapen.
How does the firing pin sit in the channel, from the breech side?
Maybe, if it's off center, it can be rotated to compensate.
Or, if the gun shoots ok, leave it be.
Lots of guns have off center hits on primers without issues.

Dixie Gunsmithing

Moderator Emeritus
They can be slightly off, and it is no problem, as long as the cup can mash the charge against the anvil in the primer, it will generally fire. (The primer on the right is for a shotgun shell, unfired).

Below is a primer in a .357 that is a good piece off center, but fired correctly:


James K

Member In Memoriam
Functionally, a slightly off center strike will make no difference, but it should not occur on a high quality rifle like the Ruger No. 1, and no wear should occur in that small number of rounds. (I am assuming that it either didn't happen before or at least you never noticed it before.)

Several things can cause off center strikes. The firing pin hole in the block can be off center, the chamber can be oversize allowing the cartridge to drop down, or the block might not be closing completely. Without examining the rifle, it would be hard to determine the exact cause of the problem.

If no one has worked on the rifle, I suggest contacting Ruger and asking them for ideas. They will either reassure you that there is no problem or ask you to send them the rifle at their expense. That is a high ticket rifle, and it should not have a problem like that.



New member
Yeah, been mulling this over and I'll be giving Ruger a call this week. Just want to find out the skinny on this.