Louisville Gun Show


New member
Well fear factor has reached the Commonwealth in escalating gun prices. Anything assault related was flying from the racks. AK's were averaging 700-900 and not lasting long, SKS's were averaging about $375, and AR related items were at a premium. Ammo that a year ago I would've stated "it's cheaper at Walmart" was being gobbled up. I watched a run on .308 FMJ for 10.50 a box, reminded me of the old Lucy show. The big deal this weekend was mosins for $90 being sold out of the crate, makes you wonder if they'll go the way of the SKS? (maybe I should've bought one, or two, or three) :rolleyes:

On the flip side allot of the utilitarian firearms were very reasonable, the old collectables haven't escalated too bad with deals still to be found. Some of the pieces you wouldn't have seen on the tables a couple years ago were out being liquidated for cash. Makes you wonder what kind of great gun deals could of been had with the slumping economy if not for the political uncertainties in the air.

The firearm market is quite a bit like the stock market; it's based on supply and demand, but mostly fear & greed. A friend of mine prior to the last ban paid $1500. for an armlite AR15. It was an investment, a few months ago they needed cash and found it worth only $600. if the right buyer could be found; I advised them hold onto it. Now I'm advising sell, the market is right. All these people buying for fear induced investments need to realize that if nothing happens eventually the market will collapse, much like another did over junk bonds. Now is the time to buy, but with researched collectables as those prices have actually dropped a little.


Bud Helms

Senior Member
Now I'm advising sell, the market is right. All these people buying for fear induced investments need to realize that if nothing happens eventually the market will collapse, much like another did over junk bonds. Now is the time to buy, but with researched collectables as those prices have actually dropped a little.

The bolding is mine. I, and maybe some others, may need a little clarification.


New member
Sure Bud, not to be taken out of context, I advised a friend who spent $1500.00 on a AR15 prior to the last ban that if they wanted to get their money back out of it, maybe even turn a profit, now would be the time to sell. In the way of an assault weapon ban scare it is a sellers market.

In the way of researched collectables there are deals to be had out there as people are liquidating collections for cash. If you have the cash now is the time buy ie; colts, WWII pieces, remingtons, certain winchesters. Items that held collectors values prior to the post election escalation of prices. I saw many more Krieghoff Lugers (my poison) than usual and dealers were willing to deal where in the past many items stayed under the table or traded between dealers/collectors.

Hope this clarifies things a bit.:)


New member
I am in Louisville also and didn't see the point of paying $6 to park and $10 for the show. Another one is coming to town on the 26th-28th same place, more of the same I bet. High prices....

You are correct on buying things like revolvers or a deer rifle now. I am hoping to get a deal on a 30.06 for next year. :) I

I am not paying crazy prices right now, will have to see what happens in the upcoming months......