Louisiana CCW


New member
My Dad will be doing his proficiency training for his Louisiana CCW in a few weeks and is very curious about the course of fire and the firing distances involved.....He is not real familiar with handguns and would like to practice with his .38 Rossi snubnose...
Any info would be appreciated...Thanks....


New member
Don't have the specific answer you are looking for, but if you go to www.packing.org and look at the Louisiana page there are a number of good resources there. They also have a discussion forum, and if you can't find what you are looking for, a post there is likely to get you quick results.

Good luck!



New member
I took mine about a year ago. The qualif was all between 2 yards and 7 yards (indoor).
Close up was from hip and "point" and shoot from mid chest. Seven yards was with normal stance and site picture.


New member
I never shot any distance longer than 7 yards, and I was not required to do any point or hip shooting.