Lou Dobbs poll


New member
Right now it's 94% yes, 6% no.

The question is: Do you believe Mayor Bloomberg of New York should spend more time fixing his city's pot holes than threatening the Second Amendment rights of Americans?

The story is this: ON TV TONIGHT: Rights Under Assault
The Second Amendment is under assault across the country. In Illinois there is a bill that would prohibit people living in specific zip codes from owning certain types of firearms. In Washington DC, there is a new gun law banning many firearms. And New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has financed an ad that attempts to connect legal gun shows to shootings. But how many shootings can actually be tied to gun shows? We will have the answer and a full report tonight.

Vote! :D www.loudobbs.com
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New member
Watched it, voted.

Also thought the segment on Illinois banning semi autos per zip codes 60637, 60636, 60629, 60621, 60620, 60619 was interesting. The Automatic Weapon Safe Zone Act of 2009:) They definitely got their own thing going on in Illinois.

New York, Illinois, Cali. 3 places not to move.

Mr. Dobbs goes into some 2a every evening i think.

Skunk Pilot

New member
basicblur from thehighroad.us posted this:

And on a related note...
Got this e-mail from VCDL today.

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg held a press conference today in Virginia. There he announced some ads that he will be running that attack Gubernatorial candidate Bob McDonnell for not supporting Bloomberg's harebrained scheme to attack and destroy gun shows.

Democat, er, Republican, er, Independent Bloomberg hates Virginia and Bob McDonnell because both stood up and embarrassed him when he tried to sue several Virginia gun dealers for "intentionally" selling guns to criminals. Something that those gun dealers DID NOT DO!

In retaliation for Bloomberg doing an end run on Virginia law enforcement, the Virginia General Assembly passed a bill that said that if someone did what Bloomberg did - come to Virginia and circumvent our police in a vigilante action - they would be charged with felony. Even Governor Kaine signed that bill. And the then Attorney General, Bob McDonnell, sent a formal letter to Bloomberg warning him to never do that again or face a felony charge.

Bloomberg was livid. Ah, to have been a fly on the wall when he was handed that letter from McDonnell!

In the ad, Omar Samaha gives NO credit to McDonnell for leading the fight to keep those who are truly mentally dangerous from getting guns. Instead he ignores that item, which might have actually saved his sister's life, and instead passes on the lie about there being some kind of loophole at gun shows. The ad disgustingly implies that McDonnell is actually protecting criminals.


(Let me say this: I firmly believe that the anti-gunners took advantage of the Samahas at a moment of horrendous grief and anger and turned them into a propaganda machine. I have been told by some who know them, and I believe from time I have spent with Omar's father, that the Samahas are a genuinely nice family and were not anti-gun before their family was ripped apart by a madman.

My heart goes out to them, truly. But I can't standby and let Omar mislead people as he tries to come to grips with an earth-shattering loss, no matter how very sad it is.)

The General Assembly is really going to love Bloomberg's latest antics. Just as Bloomberg's endorsement was the kiss of death to Jeanne-Marie Devolites-Davis's campaign, his endorsement of a "gun show" bill will only galvanize gun owners and most of the General Assembly against such a thing. It will probably have the opposite affect on McDonnell's campaign from what Bloomberg wants, too.

Oh, and here is a good one.

One of our members saw the press conference announced in the paper and went to attend. Nothing was said about it being a non-public affair.
When he went to go into the conference room, he as stopped by some SECRET SERVICE agents! Secret Service to protect a mayor?

Not only did they prohibit him from entering the room because he wasn't press or a member of one of the Virginia Tech massacre families, the agents, who had identified themselves as Secret Service, followed him down the hall and told him it would be best if he LEAVE THE HOTEL COMPLETELY!

By the way, the member wasn't armed.

To his credit, the member refused to leave, went down to the lobby and talked to a very embarrassed hotel manager, who assured him that he could stay at the hotel, but asked only that he not go to the conference room again.

He ended up going to the hotel's restaurant and he watched as the agents would peek in to keep an eye on him.

He called me while this was going on and he suddenly pontificated that perhaps his presence in the restaurant, which he said was an expensive one, might be keeping Bloomberg from getting lunch there.

I said I didn't know, but suggested that he relax and have a nice leisurely lunch (hopefully with dessert and some coffee).

While you might think that was a stretch for Bloomberg to want him run out of the building, it's not.

During the Develotes-Davis campaign, Bloomberg came to Virginia to endorse her at a similar press conference. He was so concerned about some of our members in the parking lot holding signs, that his
entourage drove the wrong way up a road when they left the hotel to specifically avoid going anywhere near those signs and our members!

A few years ago, Bloomberg was running a conference for mayors in Washington, DC. VCDL had a bunch of people carrying signs protesting Bloomberg's attacks on Virginia gun dealers outside of the building where the conference was to be held. Bloomberg was so frightened about our members and their signs that he MOVED THE ENTIRE CONFERENCE to another building across town!

No, it is not April 1st - he really did it.

There is a pipeline of illegal drugs that comes from New York into Virginia, bringing murder and mayhem here. Bloomberg has done absolutely nothing to stem that tide, yet Bloomberg is trying to make Bob McDonnell responsible for Bloomberg's own impotence.