Lou Alessi passed away


New member
I just read on a blog that Lou died yesterday (2/21/09). I know he has been ill, but last I heard, I thought he was recovering. Does anyone know if this is true. He is/was a legendary holstermaker.


New member
From Louder than words forum

This is a forum where Lou was active:
First, let me apologise to Ted and the other administrators if I am overstepping my bounds here with this post. I am sure the LTW crew would want to make their own announcement, but since there is already an impromptu eulogy going in the "accessories for sale" section, I thought I would go ahead and post some info both on my own feelings, and the wishes of the family via their friend (and an employee of Lou's) a Mr. Tom Kulwicki.
When Mr. kulwicki called me this afternoon to tell me of Lou's passing away, I was completely overwhelmed! I had just spoken to Lou on Thursday afternoon for about an hour, and he was in the shop diligently working on some ankle holsters and trying to catch up on orders. He was back to his normal jovial self and was happy as hell. We had a great chat, and a bit of a celebration. You see, after Lou's long stay in the hospital last fall, he remained somewhat tired and weak, plus the docs wouldn't allow him back in the dusty environment of his shop due to having the open area in his chest. He told me several times that he was rearing to go as soon as they cut him loose. But then...a couple of days before Christmas the doctors called and told him that they had found another "spot" on his pelvis and they would have to begin another series of radiation on him at the first of the year. He told me and Torrejon about this, and asked both of us to keep this round secret even from the other members here, which except for one exception I respected his wishes. He had called to ask if I knew anyone who might want to buy his personal Commanders that were built specially for him by Ed Brown if I remember correctly, with him being off the bench for so long money was getting tight. I contacted Jason and explained this to him and asked if the members might be able to pass the hat and help out. Lou was very down, and very embarassed by this..plus he told me that he was really scared about this round of radiation. He was able to get through the treatments, and had just found out last week that the radiation was a complete success, hence our "celebration". So to have him taken so quickly and unexpectedly was a horrible shock to me, as I'm sure it was to so many others! I have been undergoing some serious health issues myself, and Lou and I had been "coaching" each other for quite some time now and had gotten to be good friends....I shall never forget his humor, his grace, or his example! GOD BLESS YOU UNCLE LOU and you wonderful family.
Mr. Kulwicki has asked me to post his information to use for contact with the family for the time being, so with respect to him I am doing so. I apologize for the length of my post. Here is the contact info and cell phone for Mr. Kulwicki, who worked part-time for Lou for many years:

Lou Alessi‏
From: Tjkulwicki@aol.com
You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk
Sent: Sun 2/22/09 2:23 AM
To: jrm_canine@hotmail.com

Hello John,

Thank you for your help, This is my email address and phone number for those that would like to send a note.

Lou will be missed greatly by everyone who knew him around the world.

I don't know of a man with a bigger heart than Lou, and someone who would always take the time to share his stories or words of encouragement.

Once again, thank you sincerely,

Tom Kulwicki
God Bless Lou. I talked to his assistant just a couple of weeks ago, who said he was back to work on a limited schedule . A couple of months ago his assistant sent me two LCP pocket holsters, and a CQC-S 1911 holster and mag pouch that are among the last few holsters he ever made.

I met Lou because was good friends with my employers, 'the Scintas' ,the Las Vegas/Buffalo family that headlines in their own Vegas show for the last decade. I met Lou several times at our show and in his shop.
What a loss to our community. A real gut punch.
I'll try to find out. I still have a couple of items due. But now is not the time. If I never saw the rest of the order, I guess I'd be OK with it.

While he was hospitalized, there were no orders completed, as far as I know. They could cut out the leather, and prepare materials, but nothing was getting finished.

This is sad, he seemed to be on the upswing.
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New member
Thanks for checking....

I had communicated with him a few times while recovering and presumed he was cured of his cancer - I began to wonder again when my recent email to him about 2 weeks ago went unanswered.