Lots of Newbie Gun Owners out there...


Active member
Just a word about Newbie Gun Owners. There are a lot of new folks getting into guns and they don't know anything about the law or about guns. I'm not saying this as a dig on anyone, just trying to keep all of us informed about what's going on.

Here's my latest Newbie Story: I was at Gander Mountain yesterday browsing in their firearms section. A man and his 10-year-old boy were there looking for a rifle. The store clerk goes in the back and brings out one of those .22 carbines that look like an AR. Now, the man and his boy were really impressed by this rifle, but the first thing the man asked was "is this legal to own?". The clerk properly advised him and gave him some good information. But, this showed me how little non-gun owners really know about guns and gun laws.

Alabama Shooter

New member
A man and his 10-year-old boy were there looking for a rifle. The store clerk goes in the back and brings out one of those .22 carbines that look like an AR. Now, the man and his boy were really impressed by this rifle, but the first thing the man asked was "is this legal to own?".


Has the media really gotten everyone in to a tizzy where they think that Gander Mountain will sell them an "illegal gun"?

Spats McGee

I agree that there, and will continue to be, a WHOLE lotta new gun owners out there. They'll be showing up at our LGSs, and our ranges. I would add that the gun-owning community is going to need as many "ambassadors" as we can create in the very near future.


New member
Any trip to a public range will verify this is true, and has been.
When you see something that could either be corrected or improved, ask if you can show them how to do it a little better, whatever they are attempting.
Not as an excuse to show off, but to help them.
So far, everyone that I have approached in this manner has been agreeable, and even thankful for the help.


New member
And eventually, some of these folks are going to go to the range with their new toys. I normally keep my head on a swivel at the range anyway, but I think I might opt for that second head transplant...;)

Being an ambassador is important. Part of that will be the art of enforcing safety while not turning them off...
Agree. We should do our best to welcome them to the community and perhaps direct them to some training. Even hunter-safety beats absolutely no training at all. The NRA Home Protection course would be ideal.


New member
Its great that new people are getting into the sport. At the same time I think (at least my ranges) need to make sure these people are well aware of safe practice. Myself and a few friends were shooting up at 15yds. A couple of guys walked up to about the 17-18 line and begin to fire, with no less than a snubby 44mag. Granted we were not in direct line but IMO that means you are shooting past me. I quickly called a sieze fire and corrected them. I feel that the RO's should walk the firing line with newbs at least once. I certainly dont mind giving someone a tip, but that could easily have ended up very bad.


New member
I love the idea of new gun owners, and I hope many are youngsters.

I put out the word here, that I will provide free firearms training to any new gun owner that wants it. Defensive Pistol, Shotgun, or Rifle.

For you firearms trainers out there encourage training, make it safe and enjoyable.

In my rifle training I feel I have seceded when the student starts asking about the match schedule.

Push to include juniors, they are the future of our shooting sports.


New member
It seems more times than not nowadays, I end up helping some new gun owners with their newly aquired weapon at the range. I try not to interfere, but sometimes i can't help myself. Most are very receptive to any helpful pointers and getting over the fear of shooting.

I'm being aproached more and more for an opinion on selection of good weapon or caliber when I'm in one of the LGS. We all need to welcome the "noobs" into the fold. We were all new at at some time.