Lots of ARs at the local Marine Corps Exchange


New member
If you're eligible to shop at military exchanges, you might like to know that the MCX in Norfolk, VA has started selling ARs in somewhat large quantities.

Beginning today, they'll sell 24 per day, by appointment. You show up at 0630 on the day you want to buy, and put your name on the list for a 30-minute slot. Then you come back at your appointment time to pay for the rifle, do the paperwork and take it home. They have S&W M&P, Colt and Bushmaster ARs in a variety of calibers.

Prices are "pre-panic", and of course there's no sales tax. Also, it doesn't appear that they're getting mobbed - as of 0945 this morning, there were still 15 slots open for today, more than three hours after the signup sheet was made available.

Sales are limited to one per person per month.


New member
Awesome. My buddy is in the Airfoce and he is stationed there with the Joint Forces Command. Now the issue is how do we do this without being a straw man purchase...


New member
the MCX at camp Elmore was so nice, not very big compared to the NEX just 5 minutes away but the NEX didn't sell guns either.

their prices never were the best while I was there but then without sales tax it leveled out. I never did buy a gun as I lived on 'the ship' so guns were a no no and I didn't feel like having to mail it back home...

despite that small corner in the back they had a surprising selection.

Tucker 1371

New member
Yall just reminded me of how much I miss active duty... Closest thing I have to an MCX is at an Air Natl Guard base, their BX is a joke, comparable to a truck stop convenience store.


New member
True. Living within about a half-hour of Naval Station Norfolk, Little Creek, Dam Neck, Langley and Oceana, I've forgotten just how small the exchanges are at some other bases.


Wonder if they'll ship to my local PX -- The more local CG Commissary is talking about getting an FFL. Then they can concentrate on their major markets in this region: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.