Lost my Redhawk pawl spring and plunger...


New member
I got my cylinder back from Cylindersmith.com in 6 days time. Went to reinstall the trigger assy. and the pawl moved over and the spring and plunger came out. I was installing it and then one moment it was there and the next it had disappeared somewhere. Anyone know where a spring and plunger for a Redhawk can be located and purchased? I looked for hours even with a magnet and it has found that domestic black hole. :(


New member
Thanks guys, it is all back together again. I made the wifey watch those parts in case they flew again. All went well, no launches this time. Me a happy camper once more. With the cylinder reamed to .4525" and the barrel fire lapped I am good to go. Now there are more bullets for me to chose from and the large gun show here every month and a half or so has a vendor that sells bulk XTP Hornady 300's. .452" so now that is not a problem. :):D


Every time I have had a spring launch across the shop and disappear into a black hole within 24 hours of receiving a replacement and installing it I would stumble across the original part hiding behind something or in the back of a tool drawer. Murphy lives in my shop. I finally built a disassembly area with back and side walls to catch those little things. They can't hide now. Don't forget that eye protection.