Lost Another One


New member
Well, there goes the Rusk Gun Shop, been in business in our town since
1950's, bought by present owner family in 1964.
Then, our liberal City in 74' passes a law NO HANDGUN SALES, so they relocate to a area not in the city limits. Works fine for many years, until the
Mall Giants come in, and can outsell them on the long guns. There was a time,
when 70% of sales for them were handguns.
Now, we are left with just a few small shops in the county, and we are the capital city of a State. Mooooo:D
Guess which State that could be! And, I don't want my Pic taken, so don't say CHEESE! :rolleyes:


New member
It does suck that they closed, bought a few things from them over the years. I guess they had a good sale going at the end. Since I work part time at another gun store I did not go up there.............



New member
Stopped in there a year ago to buy a Colt SAA. I coudn't get anyone to take it out of the display case for me. The only response I got was "Those aren't cheap guns" Never went back! I deal with the Scott and the crew in Deerfield now.


New member
Scott has a nice setup in Deerfield, nice range but a little pricey if you want to shoot very often. If I remember it was 12 bucks each visit.
Joined the Stoughton CC, dues are only 75 bucks a year, shoot all you want and most anytime within the daylight hours, indoor or outdoor. I like it anyway.