Lost a shooting buddy

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New member
My oldest son died tragically a couple of days ago. He and I didn't see eye to eye on many issues as he was very liberal and I am very conservative. Nonetheless, we always enjoyed our times of shooting together, though they were too few and far between. Though I have always shot a lot more than him, he would nearly always out shoot me. He was a natural, especially with a handgun. I truly thank God for giving us this sport that we shared an interest in. It enabled us to forget our differences, share some laughs and a reason to pat each other on the back. Thanks guys for reading. God Bless!


New member
Welcome to the fraternity of parents that have lost a child.
I mean that I the most sincere possible way.
I lost my daughter a few years ago & it's like nothing anyone that hasn't experienced such a loss can imagine.

I wish I had some words of wisdom to help ease you through - but - there's nothing but time that can remove the sting......& even that's not complete.


New member
I am sorry to read of your loss. I pray for a peace that surpasses human understanding. From your post I gather you know the source of that peace.

Evan Thomas

New member
AL45, I am so sorry for your loss. It's unspeakably sad when a parent loses a child.

It's TFL's policy that threads must be directly gun-related, so, regretfully, I have to close this. Know that you'll be in the thoughts of all who read it.
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