Lorcin 380 pistol

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New member
Hello everyone
:rolleyes: First i didn't buy my wife this cheap n nasty American made pistol, she did annoying she used my gunbroker site to do so
When i was asking about. 38 n .380 i was asking what's the difference in ammo size.
I'm a shotgun man or rifle .22 man myself. I have tried s&w revolvers n browning pistols :cool:
Besides if she wants to fire a Lorcin pistol, who is brave enough to tell her she's bought a bag of nails "answer is not me" :p


Active member
I think when you say "38", you are referring to .38 Special, which is typically a rimmed revolver cartridge. The .380acp is similar in performance (roughly speaking) to the 38 special performance. Generally, the .380acp uses a lighter weight bullet, in a more compact cartridge with higher velocity. Still, the differences overlap with varying bullet weights, 38 special +P, and defensive 380acp.

Since performance of the two cartridges is within range of each other, you really need to compare a specific 38 special cartridge to a specific .380acp cartridge.

The Lorcin is not going to blow up on your wife. Keep it oiled and relatively clean while she shoots it, and you never know, it might just work ok. Remember, no one ever rants on the internet about a Lorcin .380 that actually works. And, a large percentage of those who say they are junk, have never owned or fired one......that doesn't mean they aren't junk, just that a lot of people like commenting on them because their brother's step-mother's 2nd born nephew had one suffer from "jams".

So, that said, get some average-power, ball (as opposed to hollow point) brass-cassed 380acp ammo; clean and lubricate the gun, and run a bunch of ammo through it at the range. Please, let us know how it performs!
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New member
Not that I support anti-2a gun buy back programs but if a local liberal group has one you might recover some of your money (might even make a profit).
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