"Loophole" Identified in UK Gun Bans

Rail Gun

New member
I found this article posted at: http://www.cybersurf.co.uk/johnny/dunblane/sun1.html .

"Loophole" Identified in UK Gun Bans
A full-page article in The Sun of October 14 1997 contained strongly-worded condemnations of British gun-owners and calls for the prohibition of the civilian ownership of cap-and-ball revolvers. These weapons with their 140-year-old design, freely available in many continental European countries, are deemed too dangerous for the crazed Britoid public to own.

Below is a selection of quotes from the article, penned by two The Sun journalists, Nick Parker and Laura Collins:

Dunblane mum Jenny Hasell, whose son Kevin, five, was killed when Thomas Hamilton gunned down 16 tots and their teacher last year, said: "It's sickening and makes a mockery of the law. The parents of Dunblane hoped the ban would stop gun fanatics getting their hands on firearms. I hope the government moves swiftly to outlaw these."

Firearms expert Ian Hogg said: "The Ruger Old Army may be based on an old design but in the right hands it remains lethal and accurate up to 50 yards."
[Italics theirs]

Gill Marshall Andrews, chairwoman of the Gun Control Network, said last night: "This is an obvious attempt to sidestep the law by gun fanatics who are becoming increasingly desperate.
"Families of the victims of the Dunblane and Hungerford massacres are 100 per cent behind the campaign to close this loophole."

Pulling the hammer back, I fired again. And again, And again - six times without reloading, destroying six melons. I'm not a gun expert, though I have fired weapons before. But from 30ft, I hit my target every time.
And the thought that with this weapon in the wrong hands those exploding melons could have been people, sent a shiver down my spine.

Paul Flynn, MP for Newport West, said: "Some people are determined to find a way round the ban on handguns and it is clear a new, all-embracing law is needed to close any loopholes.
"The more guns there are, the more shootings and accidental deaths there will be and the more chance of someone going berserk and killing people. The intention of the handgun ban was to reduce the number of guns in circulation. If it isn't doing that then the law has clearly failed and we need a new one."

You can e-mail The Sun <letters@the-sun.co.uk>



New member
I think we should send all UK liberals to Afghanistan. This is sad, very sad. Those people don’t deserve freedom. Oh, I forgot that the UK is a police state.


New member
It's sickening and makes a mockery of the law. The parents of Dunblane hoped the ban would stop gun fanatics getting their hands on firearms

Sadly this is the view taken by the vast majority of the population in the UK. Your branded a "gun fanatic" simply for owning a bb gun or two here, let alone a black powder pistol with it's evil melon blasting powers...

"Journalism" like this doesn't help though.


New member
I'm not a gun expert, though I have fired weapons before. But from 30ft, I hit my target every time.
Woooo...Melons at ten yards! That is impressive marksmanship!
These people make me really hope that ignorance on this level feels like a migraine to them.


New member
as a "uk liberal" i should point out that the Sun is a rather right-wing newspaper; and the article is from 1997.


Moderator Emeritus
Someone being silly and hysterical about War Between The States-era relics in 1997 is just as funny today as it was then.


New member
Why did we thrice save these people again??? It is disgusting to see the UK continue down slavery's path yet again.

So be it. If they wish to live as slaves, let them. They will be easier for the Germans or Russians or whoever to conquer next time.


New member
Okiedoke. Can we knock it off with the condemnation of the whole of the UK because of a five-year-old article from the UK equivalent of The National Enquirer? Please?

The Sun is trash-journalism at it's worst. We're talking about a paper with softcore porn in it to keep it's sales up - in fact, the Sun Page Three Girl is one of their major selling points. Whoop it up, we're talking Quality Broadsheet work here. Really, no really.

You find copies of this "newspaper" in the loo with half the pages missing, capisce?

I must admit, most Brits with a mindset like myself tend to keep our heads down and enjoy our simple pleasures quietly and without attracting attention to ourselves. Hell, with the police on a hair-trigger (har har) to send helos and MP5-toting armoured SWAT-a-Likes to our doors because we might have something more dangerous than a pea-shooter (like frozen peas), we HAVE to keep our opinions to ourselves.

Yes, this is a Police State. Yes, we have the D Notice where you have the First Amendment. Yes, Parliament has one hell of a voice with regards to what actually makes it to the papers in the first instance. Hell, we've got a situation which just plain rocks! Check it! Some 17 year old squaddie is found shot in the head - twice: Verdict? Suicide! Hooray!

So yeah - the situation in Blighty is bad, bad, bad. But that doesn't make every man-jack of us witless, pewling, grasping nannyoids any more than your adherence to the 1A and 2A principles make you loudmouthed rednecks who care only about shooting everything in right.

So if I can just ask that you stop writing off the whole of this island while there are still some of us struggling to hang on to the few things worth keeping, I'd really appreciate it.



New member
No, but it's been known to tell The Sun what to say. Reverend Blaire's light falls bright there.

*rolls eyes*

Free press? My lily-white Irish 4&£3.


New member
Maybe what gets us ticked is that we see it all happening here. Our VP and FBI capo tell us they can't protect us and our Trance Sec'y tells us we can't protect ourselves.

It ain't pretty, no matter how you look at it.

I'm trying to figure out, meantime, how we will Shop for America when the malls get nasty.


New member

*low chuckle*

Well put. The main problem with the UK is that those who stand the best chance of saving it find it the least tolerable.

The kind of mind that's not willing to accept shackles and indebentured servitude for the sake of The Peepul are the most likely to leave the place.

Sadly, this tends to mean a brain-drain of anyone who's worth keeping. I have to include myself in that number, as I personally think I'm well worth keeping ;) The most productive of us find it the most offensive that we have to give up such a huge slice of what we make for the sake of the huge morass who don't give a wet slap what they make of themselves.

Also, should I want to defend myself, I'd most likely end up, to borrow a phrase "ground zero in a pig pile".

Ag and his vociferously decerebrate employers tell me that I ought to feel privileged that I can slave my aforementioned lily-white parts off to support the elephantine bulk of the unproductive. I have the option of leaving for fresher pastures.

So, I choose to go, as soon as I can do so and not end up being liable for immediate arrest when I come back here.

It's a crappy situation, isn't it? I certainly picked one hell of a lifetime to quit drinking.


New member

Ah, you put a name to my pains. My main line of work is 3D animation.... guess where I'd be best of working, in terms of finding work? Hyup.


Where do I hear horror story on horror story about, here?

Double hyup.

Whatever shall I do? Wherever shall I go?


Edited addendum:
Perhaps we could build a very large boat...
Anyone interested in forming a colony someplace? LOL...


New member

so um Bog.... if we organized a new Lend-Lease program over here for the few of you "Americans in spirit" -- think you could take your island back? :)


and oh yes...

Anyone interested in forming a colony someplace? LOL...

we were thinking about that a few weeks ago.
I'm thinking if the South China Sea is as lawless, pirate-filled, and empty as the pirate threads make mention of..... it might be a place where a container ship full of several thousand TFLers armed to the teeth and supplied with the best homesteading gear 21st century America could make could make a go of it....



New member
*chuckle* Could be a plan. Can't be long before the whole system here collapses under the mass of it's own wrong-headedness.

Back in time for tea and medals :D

Calamity Jane

New member
The level of hysteria and hyperbole in that article actually made me think, for one split second, that it was a spoof.

Someone. Please. Tell. Me. It's. A. Spoof.

Um, nevermind. I know it's not. :( :mad: :rolleyes:

Ben Swenson

New member
so um Bog.... if we organized a new Lend-Lease program over here for the few of you "Americans in spirit" -- think you could take your island back?

Hmmm ... we send them the tools they need and we get 99 year leases on a couple dozen firing range resorts? Kaylee, I like the way you think.