Looks like I'm moving to Phoenix Az.


open carry legal
on demand CCW with trainging and background
no registration
Shooting in indoor ranges and in the desert.Allso Ben Avery range just north of Phoenix
CCW lets you purchase without background check.
Class three is open too ,not resricted to BATF collectable .

I shoot in BLM land both rifle and pistol.No assult rifle state laws.
Any question email me.


New member
Don`t forget we also have a McCain, but we`re working hard to remove that.
I live 100 miles north of Phoenix, had to make a trip down to pick up a gun I bought, 122 degrees today in Phoenix, saw 1 T-Bone caused by a red light runner, very happy to head back north...........big cities suck........


New member
Indeed, big cities suck, and Phoenix (a.k.a Little L.A.) is definately one of them. I grew up in the Phoenix area; used to be a nice place to live say 20-30 years ago.

Open carry is legal, but if you do it on your person and walk down the street, expect harassment these days.


New member
Open carry is legal, but if you do it on your person and walk down the street, expect harassment these days.
I left Scottsdale a year ago, and I never had a single comment when carrying openly.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Good Luck, we'll miss ya at the Gatherings... but then again you just missed the one yesterday!

Pheonix isnt a bad place to live...
Since you can't live directly on the Sun's surface!


New member
Yeah I missed yesterday because of my work, :(

But they're going to help pay for School and...The girls wear a lot less down there!!!! :D


New member
RMC - That is a bit of an exageration. I lived in Phoenix for many years, carried openly as much as I liked, and in all the years I got ONE comment from a teenager chick who just got nervous and made a smart comment.
There are Californians there that do a "second take" at your gun but that is about it. No comments, no problems, maybe an occasional look of shock.
The people that are shocked are from California and need to get used to it.

Actually, carrying openly I get more COMPLIMENTS and friendly chat from other gun people than anything else.

Cops are especially friendly to CCW and open-carry. They usually ask what cailber etc, small talk like any other shooter.

My friends carry openly every single day. They don't have any problems either, and they are always telling me about other gun people that start conversations with them like "What model/caliber is that....mine is a...." or "Who makes your holster, I like it".

The thing that most amazes me about Arizona is how many gun people there are there. There are gun shops galore and it seems like every other person you meet has a decent collection.