Looking for work in a Pro-RKBA state!


New member
Moderators, please tell me if this is out of line. It is related to the RKBA, mine.

Hello all, I'm going to be finishing my Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering in the spring of 2001. I'm looking for a position in the research and development department of a company in a pro-RKBA state. I am in NYS right now and most states would be an improvement. :) My background is in the MOCVD of compound semiconductors and reactor design.

Even though my background is in semiconductors, any company that is looking for someone who can apply the fundamental theories of thermodynamics, transport phenomena and kinetics to a real world research problem will benefit from my hands-on laboratory experience.

If you work for, or know of, a company that is looking for someone like myself, please send me an e-mail and I will be happy to send out a resume.

I'm involved in a pretty extensive job search, but I figure posting to TFL can't hurt. :)

Again, I hope it isn't too forward posting this here.

The first step is registration, the second step is confiscation, the final step is subjugation.

Dave R

New member
Two suggestions in Idaho:

Hewlett Packard's printer division must need Chem. engineers.

Micron Technology, world's largest chip manufacturer.

Sorry I don't have contact info, but I'm sure the web pages have a "Careers" tab.


Staff Emeritus
I believe there are computer companies in Austin and Dallas - but I have no idea who they are or what talents they need.

Anyone here know if there would be openings in Texas?
Indiana would be a good choice, low cost of living and shall-issue.

Don't know about industry in the state but you should be able to look on Monster.com or other places to start seeing whats available.


New member

Dell and Compaq are both based in Texas..., I doubt that will help, as they use AMD and Intel processors and I think both of them are based out here.

I live in Commiefornia (I'm in high tech too), This is where the money is, and I'm hoping to take the spoils and head for high ground in the Rockies as soon as I can. If you can tolerate it for a few years, and get with the right pre-IPO, you can be set in just a few years. There are TONS of semiconductor related R&D research start ups out here.

I know I've creeped from the scope here, but my point is it may be worth it to suck it up for a while, grab the loot, and git...that's my plan. Oh...I think living here has REALLY made me appreciate my freedoms more.

Best of Luck!


New member
One more thought here in Idaho is INEEL-Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Labs. Bummer to work for the feds though. Gets you to a politically correct (in the proper meaning of the term!!!) state at least, and might be a good fit with your skills. Johnson-Mathey (sp?) has an office in the Spokane area that might be a fit-you can live in ID and commute. Lotsa luck, I'm a NYS refugee as well, moved to the new world about 6 years ago. Should be out elk hunting now instead of playing on here! (need the break though).



New member
Hmmm, another Yankee. At least this one likes guns! To answer you're question, the following companies have a major high tech presence in Austin. Dell, AMD, Lucent, BMC, 3M, Toshiba, Samsung, Motorola, and a host of others. Go to the job search function at: WWW.austin360.com. All the above companies have recruiting sites there.


New member
Lucent Technologies Micro Electronic Division is centered in the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania - the Allentown/Reading area. I've only been here a few weeks, but it sounds like you have the right background. This division will be spun off in a few months, but IMO, that s good for us, bad for Lucent.

I'd have to say that PA is gun friendly and this area in particular is good. See some recent posts about the counter demonstration to the MMM in Bethlehem - over 1000 showed up to support RKBA!!!!

You can either go to the Lucent website directly and look for openings or E-mail me your resume and e-mail address. The only difference is that I could get a bonus if I submit your resume.

David Scott

New member
Find yourself a good placement service and tell them which states you're interested in. You need not tell them why unless you're sure they'll be sympathetic. Pick your states based on RKBA policy; http://www.packing.org has good summaries.

Another thing you can do is get with professional organizations in your field. Many industry and trade groups have some sort of placement help.

If you want a really gun-friendly state, come on down to Florida. I can't name any specific companies off the top of my head, and sadly my own employer has no need of your skill set. Still, it's worth checking out. Florida has RKBA provisions in its constitution, plus the Jack Hagler Self-Defense Act (explicitly recognizes a citizen's right to own arms for defense, shall issue CCW and reasonable definition of justifiable use of force).

Best of luck to you.


New member
While Oregon is really liberal, they have fairly relaxed gun laws. Intel and a boat load of other companies have facilities here in Northwest Oregon.


New member
Vermont is about the most "user-friendly" of all (we don' need no steenkin' permits!). I'm the manager of a Dept. of Employment & Training Career Resource Center in Middlebury. We're a labor exchange and a sort of clearing house, among other things. Email me your resume and I'll see that it's made as widely available as possible. We also have a representative in the office who deals very closely with all the employers in the area, so he can do a bit of research for you and get your resume directly to them.
I'll be looking for it.


New member
IBM has a large facility in Burlington, VT. Realize, though, that northern VT has two seasons: Winter and a week or two of pretty poor sleddin' ;)

There's plenty of high tech in southern NH, with lots of networking companies (optical stuff is particularly big now). Lucent, Cisco, etc.

There's also lots in MA (clearly NOT gunfriendly), which may be commutable from NH (Compaq in Hudson).

Maine is also quite gun friendly, but not a lot of high tech.



New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ds1973:
I'm going to be finishing my Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering in the spring of 2001. I'm looking for a position in the research and development department of a company in a pro-RKBA state.[/quote]

The Research Triangle of North Carolina. Three major research universities, more high-tech firms than you can count including all the major pharmaceuticals (SmithKline, Glaxo, etc)

A state constitution with a pro-gun clause that's even stronger than the US 2nd (we learned our lesson about disarmament durning Reconstruction). Hunting is also legally protected. Rifle ranges are "grandfathered" as protection against noise ordinances and zoning changes..

And, remember: There's a difference between a Yankee and a D*mned Yankee. One moves down and blends in. The other moves down and starts to complain. You'd be most welcome, as is the member of our club who moved here from Massachusettes last year for the same reason (he's in computers).

Ken Strayhorn
Hillsborough NC

Scott Evans

Staff Alumnus
I would have to concur with Ken. North Carolina is home to many High-tech industries. I’m a transplant from NJ and could not be happier … ya’ll. :D

Scott Evans
Jacksonville, NC

“This is my rifle, there many like it but this one is mine …”


New member

Just got back to checking this post. Thanks to everyone here for their ideas and suggestions... Some things I've thought of, and some I haven't. mrsMTN, I'll be sending my resume out to you, thanks!

The first step is registration, the second step is confiscation, the final step is subjugation.


Staff Alumnus
Come to Pennsylvania. There's excellent hunting, fishing, boating, skiing, lots of shooting ranges and above all, a gun friendly state.

With your degree, you can get a position at the R&D facility branch of my company where I work. If you're interested, drop me an email and I'll forward your resume.


New member

Hey, thanks to everyone who gave me suggestions on this board.

mrsMTN, thanks for the legwork you did for me in Vermont.

ChrisR246, thanks for getting my resume into Lucent. I got a phone interview and expressed interest in working in their Pennsylvania labs rather than their Jersey labs and never heard back from them. Even my follow up calls went unanswered.

ArmySon, thanks for keeping your eyes open for something around your company.

Finally, Dave R, Thanks for the Micron suggestion. They flew me out there for an interview last week and I loved it. The job is awesome and the area has a small town feel to it. I accepted the job and this coming June I'll be fleeing the occupied territory of New York state to join the freedom loving, gun toting residents of Idaho. I'll be in the Boise area.

(I turned down an offer I had in LA, I was hoping I wouldn't have to resort to moving to Kalifornia)