Looking for suggestions re a cheap deer rifle


New member
I am fairly new to rifles (been a handgun and shotgun guy for years). I turkey hunt, but would like to start deer hunting. I am looking for an inexpensive, but decent, gun to take into the woods. I don't want to be too upset if I scratch the thing. I'm willing to consider something used. Any ideas?


New member
Clunker deer rifle.

Military surplus rifles have started many hunters.

Swiss K-31s are cheap right now, as are Mosin-Nagants. Mauser k98s still abound.


New member
Savage - Stevens - Mossberg

Some of the models are the cheapest in the market. I personally own a Mossberg 100 ATR and Remington 700 BDL. Both in 30-06. I have been taking my ATR out with pretty much astonishment at how well it will group. This is a newer rifle, not one of the older ones that had issues.

I purchased it for my family and friends to shoot while I shot my 700. But I have painted it and added some weight into one of the stocks that I own for it and it shoots really really well. (taking up reloading and it should be even better!)

I have it in synthetic - stainless steel. Kicks like a mule though since it does not pack much weight from the factory.


New member
#1) Is your intended range under or over 200 yards?
#2) Will this rifle hunt anything larger than deer?
#3) Would you prefer one action over another?

For over 200 yards with a rifle that will hunt somthing other than deer I would look for a surplus M1903 Springfield with scope taps if you can.

For under 200 yards with a deer slayin machine I would take my Yugo SKS.

Price for my M1903: $365 sporterized (came with a 3x-9x scope in a montecarlo style stock)

Price for my Yugo SKS:$220

But this is just me


New member
I would search for a used marlin lever rifle in .30-30. They can be found for around $250 and up for a decent used one and they make a great deer rifle. If you want a bolt action rifle, try a used savage model 110 in any caliber .243 and up. You can find some decent ones in the $300 dollar range with a useable scope. Try www.gunbroker.com
Also www.budsgunshop.com has some good deals and are worth a look.

Dr. Strangelove

New member
Savage 110

Look around for a used Savage 110, they are usually available pretty inexpensively. I bought a used 7mm Rem Mag to help out a buddy and didn't get around to shooting it for several years. Turns out, it's the most accurate rifle I own. I couldn't be more pleased!

What JHGREASEMONKEY said! (didn't get around to posting quick enough, I guess)


New member
I'd agree with the Remington 788, probably in 308. I still see them around for two to three hundred bucks, sometimes with a scope included. They are one of those guns that people trade off to get something a little more high end, and then wonder why they got rid of it. jd


New member
Any Savage bolt sounds like it will fit the bill. I wouldn't be against the Marlin 30-30, but you would be limiting your range until you are much better with shooting rifles. IMHO I wouldn't consider many semi-autos for deer hunting, but that's just me...


New member
+1 on the Savage 110, but if you get an older used one, try and make sure it has the Accu Trigger. Standard trigger is a bear.


New member
#1) Is your intended range under or over 200 yards?
#2) Will this rifle hunt anything larger than deer?
#3) Would you prefer one action over another?

It would be nice to be accurate past 200, but honestly, where we hunt I'd be extremely lucky to have a decent shot out that far. It is pretty thick.

Probably won't use the gun for anything other than deer - you never know though.

I'm looking mostly at bolt action. I have a nice Rem. 742 (30-06 semi) but can't use it for hunting in PA. Grrr.

As far as budget goes, the cheaper the better. I'd like to stay under $300 if possible.

Thanks so much!


New member
Oh, scope would be nice, but isn't totally necessary. I can always add that later, or borrow one from another gun.


New member
Take a look NEF/H&R Handi Rilfes. A good "cheap" rifle that you won't mind taking into the woods. You can get one in YOUR choice of Calibers from .223 on up to 45-70. Just get the caliber that you want. Also you can get other factory barrels (caliber). It might be woth a look.


New member
Stay clear of the Remington 710's and 770's. Poor reputations. Same goes for the Mossberg 100's. The old Remington 788's as mentioned can be a good deal. They are great shooters and have good actions but be aware that they have a reputation of breaking bolt handles. Seems that the metal used in welding them was bad. Aftermarket bolts are available.

The best deal going is the Stevens 200. Great reputation and can be had for less than $300 delivered to your FFL.


New member
try looking through the racks of consignment guns at your local gun dealers. Never know what you might find.


New member
gunshops for a remington 788, in .243, .308, or 30/30.
accurate and reasonable.

Do they still make the 788? At the price I have never see anything that came out of the factory that shoots like every 788 I've seen. Perfert boat/truck gun in my opinion.

I have pleanty of 243 & 308s but If I could find one in 30-30 its gonna be mine. Only 30-30 I have now is my T/C. If I can find two, I'm gonna rebarrel one into 45 LC or maybe 45 ACP (I have plenty of NORMAL rilfes, I want something differant).

Al Thompson

Staff Alumnus
I'm with JKump - Handi-Rifle. Single shot, but I've seen a couple that would flat shoot. Get a used one and you could stay under 300 bucks and get a second barrel..

kraig, the 788s (all used, out of production for years) in South Carolina are just flat gone. Word got out about the accuracy. :)