Looking for some reviews on Stag Rifles


New member
I'm looking for a new AR and the Stag Model 2T has caught my eye. I was wondering if anyone has any good/bad feedback on Stag Arms as a whole.

+1 Stag

I have a Stag M4-gery and it's been an outstanding rifle. Eats anything, including the dreaded steel cased stuff. Shoots better that I can. Trigger is OK, not great, but better than a lot I've shot. And, I've shot a LOT of `em since 1968.:cool:
I own another AR (I actually am one of the people who has an AMEETEC), and prefer the Stag. For the $$$, it's a great value.
However, if "anything under $1,000 is crap" is your mantra, thanks for reading this far.


New member
great rifles i own bushmaster, armalite, and stag and stag is my favourite 1 after iv customizedit but ill agree it will eat everything and it shoots better than me


New member
Very happy with my Stag type 2. Zero malfunctions, excellent accuracy. The gas key screws are not sufficiently staked, but are easily staked by gunsmith or other tool-using primate.


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I have a model 3 and I love it. The only problem I have had was when using 5.56 instead of .223 it sometimes would fail to extract. Changed out the buffer for an "H" and did the extractor upgrade and everything is great. No more problems even with that dreaded Wolf. It worked with Wolf before the changes but works better now.


New member
Thanks for the replies. Yeah, it seems Stag gives you alot of gun for the money. I have also looked at the Colt 6920, but for the money I would save I could throw on a Eotech...
I'm thinking of getting another AR-15 before the Hilary-Obama AWB of 2009 gets passed into law. I might get a STAG because I'm left handed and they make the only left-hander on the market. Just not sure I care if the rifle is right-handed or left-handed. Doesn't seem to matter as much as it does with my Winchester model 94's which lob the spent shells directly at my face when I cycle the lever. Talk about the wisdom of having eye protection!

Anyway, has anyone used a left-handed STAG AR-15?


New member
Anyway, has anyone used a left-handed STAG AR-15?
No, but a local LEO I know from the range has one, type 2 with Aimpoint and BUIS, and he speaks highly of it. Except that it seems to throw the brass waaay to the left, and it's ammo that is provided to him through his department for practice, and he's obligated to find and return all the spent shells. He's often kicking around in the weeds.


New member
if "anything under $1,000 is crap" is your mantra

i personally wouldnt buy a sub-$1000 AR(not a complete one anyway),but i wouldnt say they're all "crap" either.

if i were to buy a sub-$1000 AR,it would be a STAG.

best value imo(of the sub-$1000 AR's).

i still cant understand why folks are buying those CMMG BB rifles,when you can get a new STAG for just a little more.


New member
I've also started my first AR build up recently. The Stag rifles seem to get a lot of positive feedback and I'll certainly be considering Stag components.

The ad they run on TV make me chortle though. The one with 2 "operators" in black body armor & sunglasses waddling through a Hogans Alley course look like they were filmed in someone's back yard after a coupla Budweisers...


New member
i have ar's built on stag and dpms lowers.

i always hear about how dpms is sooo much better that anything else out there (except bushy and colt), but looking at the 2 stripped lowers, the stag is MILES ahead of the dpms in fit+ finish and overall qc.