Looking for some abuse tomorrow.


New member
Going to gun show. Have a couple of revolvers I might try to sell/trade but past experience has been that negotiations will disclose that, according to other party, my guns are junk while his are solid gold.

We will see. Also taking pair of M27s (3.5" & 5") in continuing futile search for leather. If I am insulted enough may play games with one of these guns. "What games?" you ask. Well, I show the 5" nickeled M27 (about 99%) to a dealer and say that I don't know anything about guns, but inherited this pistol and buddy has offered me $50 for it. Came to gun show for appraisal but don't see another gun like it on any of the tables (that part is believable). Of course, at this point dealer will likely offer me $60, but I will walk away saying I don't want to disappoint my buddy.

Other variation is to look over table and suggest trade for whatever he doesn't have. "You got a Topper in 12 gauge for this pistol? No, nothing else will do, gotta be a Topper."

Yeah, I am a sick bastard.

You're not going to the gun show I'm going to.

If you were, I'd bring along a Topper, and when you refused to make good on the trade, THAT'S when the abuse would start. :)

By the way, thanks for the magazines. They fit the Marlin perfectly.


New member
Sicko puppies
Two by two.
Off to the gunshow
To screw with who.

Good N leather
Left side to boot.
Hard to find
Without mucho loot.

Better luck to you Pig
Than have had I


Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
Hopefully they'll be more honest than that...but even at the best, they can't give you retail for yours and sell to you wholesale. Not if they want to be capitalists and actually (gasp) make a profit.