Looking for side folding adaptors for AR tubes


New member
Hey all, I am looking for suggestions for some side folding adaptors for AR tubes. Theres so many for the job and a massive range in price. I just wanna know which ones you have had the best luck with. They aren't on ars so don't need to worry about those issues.

I'd say after durability I'd be looking into sleekness something that isn't huge lumpy and adds a ton of lenth or sharp corners. Something that looks like it belongs. Thinking about ordering a cheap 20 dollar one to play around with first see if it works as planned then get some quality ones


New member
I have an AR tube on my Blackfeather "RS" made for the M14/M1A.

The folder I chose is the SFU from HERA. Very compact & solid.


NOTE: the SFU does NOT work on an actual AR.


It may help to specify what gun this will attach to - as that is the critical part. The tube ends are all threaded the same.


New member
Ones an ak, ones a 22, ones a bolt. Etc All guns that use just an empty tube for mounting stocks. Much like sr420 situation. the HERA was one of the prices ones I was looking at I liked how they kept the form similar to the buffer tube shape. Can that one fold to either side as well? I like the left folding myself but it's nice to have options. It adds about an inch on the LOP?

I was thinking about getting this guy for testing purposes the HERA makes it look positively clunky. http://www.primaryarms.com/tl-k7fad01/p/tl-k7fad01/


New member
the HERA was one of the prices ones I was looking at I liked how they kept the form similar to the buffer tube shape.
Can that one fold to either side as well? I like the left folding myself but it's nice to have options. It adds about an inch on the LOP?

You can install it to fold to the left, or right.
It does add about 1" to your LOP.


New member
That picture makes me realize that a good way to shoot an AR pistol is with a bipod.

Does anyone make a bullpup 223/556 semi auto pistol?

Apologies for veering off topic but inspiration comes where it does.