Looking for opinions

i sold 2 of my safe queens, a XD 45, and a Tauras PT 1911. Now I need to fill their spots in the safe. I am looking a 1911 in .38 super, I have checked out Colt and Armcorp. So what should I know about Armcorp. Do they product quailtiy firearms? MY second pistol will be either a Browning or Ruger 22 cal for a 22 pistol league.(most likey a Browning). I guess I am looking for people that own or have owned these weapons. If you want to bash one of the other company please pass. Thanks


New member
I own 3 Armscor guns, (2) M206 revolvers in .38spl and a RIA CS in .45, If your looking for good quality, working guns, that's what they sell. They're not Kimber's. Colts or S&W's, but I have been carrying my CS for over 6 years and have had maybe 2 FTF and 1 FTE, (cheap ammo).


New member
Given the choice between Armscar and Colt, I would go with a Colt, especially if you may want to sell it in the future. It's a great gun with quality, history, and a reputation for quality.