Looking for "free" Weatherby rifle with savings or CD


New member
I've searched all over and I can't seem to find one of those banking institutions that have offered a Weatherby rifle for making a considerable deposit in either a savings account or a Certificate of Deposit. Can someone give me some info or a link?


New member
The Bank of Boulder, in Boulder, CO is probably what you are looking for. They still offer this service, although I haven't seen one of their ads in a while, and have no idea how to contact them.


Staff Alumnus
Though this is older I also found this using Google search engine;

The First Community Bank of the South in Fort Deposit, Alabama is offering customers rifles and shotguns instead of interest on certificates of deposit.

Bank President Danny Flowers told reporters, “This is a natural for us. The area is renowned for deer hunting. Hunting’s a way of life.”

The 93-year-old bank has $65 million in assets in this rural town of 1,200 35 miles south of Montgomery.

First Community is launching its Guns for Funds promotion this month as a way to attract deposits and lock them in long term. It copied the idea from the Bank of
Boulder, Colorado’s 1976 bicentennial premium program.

Customers buying a certificate of deposit can receive guns or accessories up front instead of interest later. They must agree to leave the money on deposit for a stipulated
period to earn particular premiums.

A Weatherby Mark V Deluxe rifle with walnut stock and rosewood pistol grip requires a 12-year deposit of $1,471 or a four-year deposit of $4,627. At 5 percent simple
interest, four years return on $4,627 would amount to $925.

The bank prepared a catalog of firearms brands and items available, but customers can ask for other items which will be special ordered for them.

Danny Flowers doesn’t think his premiums will ever be turned against him. “The person who comes in and gets a CD from us is not going to be somebody who’d rob us.
It's from here - http://www.saf.org/pub/rkba/gt-report/gt-report_029.html
We know most of our customers by sight.”

The Bank of Boulder changed hands a few years ago, and no longer offers this program. I called them about 6 months ago to confirm this.

The former President/CEO was VERY active with this program, but he retired, and the program retired along with him, unfortunately.


New member
Darn it all anyway! I always wanted to do that, just never had that amount at hand - always could find something else I wanted before I could get it saved up! Darn, darn, darn...


A novel idea, but a lousy return on investment. Work a few weeks of overtime instead. Take a second (temporary) job.

Not only will you lose the return on a decent mutual fund...just how much do you think inflation will rob from your $1,500 dollars over the next 12 years?

And, btw, how much does that rifle cost in your area? $1,500 could buy one hell of a rifle TODAY.
