Looking for female shooters (for advice)


New member
No, I'm not trolling for dates.... :)

My girlfriend has stated that she is "terrified" by guns, but in actuality she has only held two guns in her life (my Ruger 10/22, which she actually fired, and my Glock 17, which she described as "nasty"). I'd like to get her into the shooting sports, or at least over her "fear".

So I'm asking the female shooters to describe how they got involved in shooting, and perhaps offer some advice as to how I can best convince her that women do in fact own, handle, and shoot guns. She's not an anti-gunner, and supports my competition obsession, but is reluctant to participate. Since we both live in NYC, it's not like I can give her the gift of a nickel-plated derringer (when I pointed one out at a gun store, she remarked that it was "sexy"). Any thoughts?

Ohio Annie

New member
Terrified by guns

If someone is "terrified" by guns, getting them involved with the shooting sports may not be such a great idea. Better work on why she is "terrified" first.

I started out with a full-choke .410 which is still my favorite gun (for squirrels, rabbits, and nuisance 'coon I have trapped with my Duffer's trap). I have the traditional .38 Taurus snubby for defense and a Ruger Mk II for bullseye shooting. I have a .50 CVA muzzleloader with Simmons scope for deer and a lever action Henry .22, a Saiga rifle in 7.62 Soviet, and a 6-inch Taurus .357 with red dot scope (which loves those 148 gr. wadcutter match loads) for plinking.

I like hunting squirrel and deer the best. Target shooting is fun but not like being in the woods trying to blend in with the scenery.


New member
I used to be "terrified" of guns myself. I really don't know why except I just never grew up around them. We were never told guns were evil and bad and in fact I have fond memories of childhood games played with cap guns my parents bought us.

I got into shooting because of my hubby. Several years ago he decided to get a gun (he was from Canada and had gotten out of shooting becasue of the BS folk have to go thru). Needless to say I was not terribly happy and cried all the way home from the shop with the .22 pistol in my lap. I didn't want anything to do with it.

Fast forward a bit and when hubby picked me up from work, I told him he needed to take me out shooting. I had had a very bad day and did not want to break ANOTHER keyboard getting my frustrations out playing Quake and Hexon. So he grabbed what we needed, we went out to a friends place and he showed me what I needed to know and a new shooter was born :D I took to it like a duck to water.

Fast forward a bit more and we went to a first of the year fun shoot, him with his new 9mm semi-auto and my .22 pistol. I was the only woman there and extremely intimidated surrounded by all those guys. The targets weren't set up for my .22, but I was only there to practice with it and make noise. I was finally convinced to try shooting with hubby's pistol and we traded off. Imagine my surprise when I turned from shooting the bowling pins off the table to find all the guys cheering and clapping my results. I was the only one who actually cleared the table (tho I had problems with the pistol as I still wasn't used to it and the RO had to help me out hehehehe). There was a gentleman at that shoot who had showed up in full cowboy regalia and was shooting six guns. I thought it was really cool.

Fast forward a bit more (there is a point and an end to this story :D) and hubby had been hanging out at our local gun pusher's who had a six gun in stock. Hubby spent the better part of the afternoon learning how to hold it (he is a semi-auto guy) and brought it home for me to check out. I picked it up and held it properly right off the bat. We took it out and gave it a try and oooooo did I love shooting it. He picked me up a Rugar Blackhawk in .38/.357 and I started practicing with it. We discovered there was a cowboy action shooting group in the area and we went to one of their shoots.

I dug out some clothes that kinda looked cowgirl, we found a hat at a yard sale and hubby made me a holster (I was just going to use a nylon one since this was a try out, but he wasn't having none of that :) ). We showed up at the shoot, they paired me up with an experienced shooter and when they found out I only had the pistol, did a whip 'round and got me the rest of the gear I needed (2nd pistol, shotgun and rifle and the ammo to shoot it all). I had a grand old time and been shooting when I am able ever since.

The point of the story, you might want to take your GF to various shoots so she can just watch them. Esp check out any cowboy shoots as there is a fair number of women there so it won't feel quite so much like "testoserone central", which is how I first felt at that fun shoot, not to mention the dressup part of CAS makes it even more fun. Find places where she can try out different types of guns. My preference is single action, tho semi-autos are fun (and I love when I get a chance to play with machine guns :D BWAHAHAHAHAH). Once she gets a chance to try different ones and more often, she may be less terrified of them.

Miss Demeanors

New member
Thanks Blues Man, you saved me a lot of typing. :D

I was definitely terrified of guns at one point and the best thing I ever did was to go shooting and face the fear head on. Start her off on something easy (.22) then let her work her way up as she feels comfortable. It didn't take me long at all to work my way up but I am glad we started off with the .22, otherwise I'm not sure how well I would have done. I'll shoot anything now, nothing scares me anymore. :D

Best of luck to both of you! :)


New member
Sorry--I'm a male, and my daughters are all still asleep.

Have 7 daughters, taught all of them to shoot. EVERY ONE of them, at least once a year, asks to go to the range to blast targets to smithereens. None of them are "into it" as high-level, or even medium-level target shooters; but all of them like being able to put holes in the 10- and X-ring. :cool:

And I love to see them do it. :D

Frankly, I think most of them just like to be able to tell the boys that they can shoot, have shot, and will shoot again...

And they all want to fire the .30-06 (bench!) just to prove that they are tough cookies. :)


New member
Try buying her a "soft air" gun that looks like one of the real ones. Let her shot it with the plastic pellets in the house/garage until she gets over her "fear" of handling guns. Then take her - regularly - to the range and let her shoot a .38 Special loaded with target wadcutter loads. Ease her into it slowly! ;)