Looking for automated 1050 or other press


New member
I am looking for a motorized press. Where can I find used press equipment?
I would also consider picking up a Dillon 1050 and upgrading on my own down the line.


New member
That sounds really good until you think about the accuracy of factory brass which is made on similar machines. It might be a necessity if you are producing ammo to sell but I don't see any reason a shooter would need that volume of ammo - unless you had a few machine guns that you used a lot.


New member
There are a lot of low volume and specialty cartridge manufacturers going belly up right now. I am looking toward a Dillon 1050 with a Mark7 kit. New near $4k. Used I can negotiate.


New member
I built mine back before anyone offered one ready to go. I didn't do it to load rounds as a business rather to eliminate the time and work I had to do to shoot matches.

1000 rounds takes just under 52 minutes and I can get the laundry and dishes done at the same time.


The PLC itself is $70 https://www.automationdirect.com/ad...Series_PLCs_(Stackable_Micro_Brick)/PLC_Units

Another $160 for the display.

And program it.

If you don't feel like doing that the mark V is likely the best thing out there but the $2500 base setup will leave you with a "dumb" machine just cranking away. As it has no powder check or low primer warning. They finally wound up copying what I did and expanded their programming to add the two features but that will cost you an additional $320 or so from them.
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Sorry to hear about the low volume ammo makers having problems. Any particular reason, or did just too many people get into it?


New member
@JMORRIS- I am sure I could figure out the PLC on my own if I had time. I troubleshoot and maintain all of my CNC equipment. But, the reason I want to go with an automated system lack of time. I can keep a CNC machine or 2 and a reloader running at the same time. I like reloading but I have priorities. And having my own business means time is money. HP-Tactical.com and HP Machine


New member
And having my own business means time is money.

Yep, that's pretty much it. I could make a PLC if I had enough time but not worth it when I can buy one for <$100.

I suppose if I had to wipe with money because it was more plentiful than toilet paper and time was my most precious possession, I would find someone that would assemble my pet loads and pay them when they dropped them off in loaded magazines/belts.

Also when I made mine, none existed so it couldn't be bought. The only choices were Camdex and Ammoload, that adds an extra zero to the cost.


New member
I have my order for the Mark 7 Revolution.


I'm part of the fall batch. Mine is set up for 9mm.

I love the fact that it's a 10 station press.

I can't wait. I'll post a review when it comes in.

If it works out great and doesn't break down all the time, I'm going to get a couple more, one in 223 and one in 308. I'm allergic to caliber conversions.

Right now I have three dedicated non automated Dillions, and small parts break or wear down all the time. Plus, ever since Dillon himself passed away, it seems that things have changed. In the past, small things would wear or break and Dillon would send replacements free of charge, regardless of the warranty. Now they charge for everything. I'm no longer a fan of a Dillon.