Looking for another 1911


New member
I'm in the mood to buy another 1911 in 9mm or 45acp. I'd consider a .40, but I know there have been issues with 1911s' and the 40 cartridge. Besides, I have tons of .45 mags and a bunch from a 9mm I owned.
I think this one needs to be a commander size and thinking stainless since I might consider it for a carry gun.
I never owned a commander size so I thought I'd get some input from members here.
I have 3 government models. An older Colt GC Trophy and 2 Springfields. I'm looking in the $1,000 or less range.


New member
I'd say the Spartan V, IV, III are all great guns for the money both in .45 and 9mm, Sub 700 dollar range. I just had a friend get a 5" in 9mm so i'll let you know how it runs, but i've heard really good things. Sadly its not stainless.


New member
how about Rugers new commander? Or another Colt? Or my personal favorite springfields EMP (not sure what its considerd)


New member
I have found no advantage with a steel commander over the full size government models. I did have a pair of Colt Combats for carry years ago and noticed no real difference in IWB carry from my fullsize 70 series. My current non Colt favorites are a Springfield Loaded and an RIA Tactical.


New member
1911, my favorite platform.



New member
Just picked up a Ruger SR1911 CMD to go with the full size one I have. First trip to the range scheduled for tomorrow. It should be as nice as it's big brother. And that's pretty darned nice IMO. I've really been satsfied with it.


New member
I own 2 Dan Wesson 1911's, both Commander and I love em!!! CBOB and the Guardian in .45, they have the Bobtail so they are less likely to "print" when CCW with an IWB holster. I carry the Guardian mostly because it's a little lighter.

michael t

New member
I like the balance of the Commander over the fullsize I have 2 Lite weight Commanders 9 and 45 and both are a dream to carry.

In your price range is American Classic Commander.


New member
I wouldn't get a 1911 in 40 SW. Just don't do it. If you're looking for other calibers, get a 38 Super or 9mm,

The E series SW 1911 is very similar to the Sig 1911s, so look at those if you want that.