Looking for advice on AR purchase


New member
if youre on a budget like i was/am, i just put together a model 1 16" C.A.R. kit on an ameetec lower for about $650 total.

i took it to the range yesterday for the first time and im very happy with it


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New member
I like my DPMS 16" lite barrel AR with collapsible stock.

Price was $648.00 at the show.OTD total was $740.00

Came with hardcase 2 mags and sling.Manual and cleaning kit.

I am going to buy another in the fixed stock 20" barrel.
Stag all the way. By far the best AR out there for the money. RRA is the only thing that comes close to being as good a value, but the Stags are the best.

As far as model 1 goes, I would advise you to avoid them. I've been very disappointed with the quality (or lack thereof) of their stuff.


New member
That would cost me more because I would probably buy the wrong parts

Dont worry about buying the worng parts, Dave just bought two halves. They come in half when you clean them, easy as pie too. You can also buy the halves seperately anywhere that sells ARs too. Get an Ameetec lower, and then keep your eyes open for a good deal on an upper.

The Ameetec lower is one of the best deals going in ARs these days. Its literally half an AR, just get a "complete upper" to go with it.



New member
Bud Helms said:
New19 said:
Bud Helms said:
"I will be looking to buy an AR this next spring and am looking for advice on which one to get"

Looking to advise some one on their purchase or looking for advice on yours?

So is this how people welcome new members that might not be able to spell so good, thanks for the warm welcome.

Is this how you care to project yourself?

You are welcome on TFL as long as you make an effort to write as an adult. That's all, just make an effort.

Friend, I sent this to you in a Private Message. If you care to take offense, then think of the offense you make against the membership by not making the effort to write as an adult. Take offense if you will, but we require a minmum level of literacy.

It so happens you are much better than some here. If you don't care what image you project, then ignore this message and the last. I was only trying to make a suggestion. I had the option of posting this in the open, but decided to make it PRIVATE. Do you understand?

Well I think you should post it in the open, I know I am not so great at spelling and grammer and do my best, I think it is rude to assume that because I am not good at grammer or spelling I am not making an effort, some of us are not as fortunate as others with the education we recieve, So my level of literacy does not meet the minmum I will refrain from posting further on this forum.



New member

That would cost me more because I would probably buy the wrong parts

It's actually very simple. You just buy the kit for whatever type of AR you want, and then you get a stripped lower receiver. You only have to buy 2 seperate things, and it only takes about an hour to put together.

Or you can get a complete lower from Ameetec for $200, and a complete upper for $450.

The only reason I didn't do that was because I live in Arizona, and I didn't want to pay fifty-something dollars in sales tax.


Here are some thoughts
#1 buying a whole gun means there was FET adds to the price of the gun. So buying the upper and lower seperate is a money saver.
#2 Midway has good prices on DPMS complete uppers
#3 Buying a complete lower is a good idea if you can find a FFL that will receive it for a modest fee.
#4 Buying a stripped lower does not really save money at first, because you have to sort of learn what works and what does not by trial and error.


New member
The Ameetec lower is one of the best deals going in ARs these days. Its literally half an AR, just get a "complete upper" to go with it.
Del-Ton sells complete Stag lowers for $225.00. $25 more than the Ameetec, but it's Stag quality. Just something to consider.