Looking for a Ruger GP100 3"

garry owen

New member
Where can I find one of these N.I.B.? Is Ruger still making them? I am wanting to trade in my 4" blued GP100 on it.

Single Six

New member
Yes,Ruger does still make them. Check their web site [Ruger.com] . Any dealer should be able to get one for you. Good luck !


New member
It's still listed on Ruger's online catalog. In stainless. Blued hasn't been made in some time.

Model number: KGPF-331

A google "shopping" search turns up this

One says currently out of stock, another says call for availability.

Good luck!

The Terminator

New member
Good luck. 3" is the perfect length for me. Good for ccw, and not to short for a hiking side arm. I like them. I have 2.75" Security Six, the fore runner of the GP100. Who sweats 1/4", right? :)



New member
I don't presently have any of the sixes. I'd like to start collecting them, but I know once I do there'll be no turning back. I already have 6 GP's and 4 SP's. :eek:


New member
I was looking for a 3" some time back. I think they just do short runs of these from time to time. I looked for a long time, and no one had them (except a couple of over-priced auctions).

I ended up getting an SP-101 since I got tired of waiting, and I've been generally happy with it. Then one day, everyone suddenly had 3" GP100s and that lasted a couple of weeks.


New member
Finding one in stock really seems to be a luck of the draw proposition. My dad was fortunate enough to find a lightly used, blue, full-shroud, 3" GP100 in a local shop last year for $300. He was even luckier to have three considerate sons who bought him said gun as a birthday gift.

Deaf Smith

New member
Here in Texas there is a gun dealer who has a used 3 inch GP-100 stainless.

It's a Georga PD trade in.

Ok condition but with wear both inside and out.

He want's $450! Yea Four hundred & fifty bucks.

I gave up dickering with him as my 4 inch GP-100, stainless, only costed me $300.

He has tons of guns but sells few cause all his prices are so high even if you dicker with him best you can get is a somewhat overpriced gun.

And yea, I would like a 3 inch GP. Go good with my short 'Sixes'.



New member
No gun store around my area had any in house. So I just put a deposit down and ordered sight unseen. Had it in less than a week. Its a great handy shooter. Mine came with a real smooth trigger. Its my "night stand" gun. Loaded with 125 grain remmy sjhp's

The Great Mahoo

New member
Not to hi-jack, but I think this qualifies with the thread.

I've been thinking about adding a new .357 to my collection, and have been thinking of the GP100s. I rather like 3" barreled revolvers, but it has gotten me thinking.

The 3" GP100 is the same size (albiet shorter barrel) than the 4" Gp100, but lacks the adjustable sights.
The Speed/Service/Security Sixes can be had in a 2+3/4-4" barrel, and seem to be a bit lighter than the newer GP 100s (as far as i can tell.)
The Sp101 can be had in 3", which could use the same leather as my Sp101 .327, but is only a 5-shooter and probably a bit more punishing to shoot.

I'd be wanting a stainless finish, am in no hurry to buy so I don't mind searching for a deal. I'm not sold on needing adjustible sights. I like them, but would probably sink more money into some Williams or other replacements. The trench-sight on the 3" Gp100 and Sp101 could work, though, I suppose.

Any suggestions as to which would be best?


New member
The 3" GP is more than capable with the standard fixed rear/blade front sight:


IIRC, those were shot DA at either 10 or 15 yds. Have to go pull the actual targets to double check.

The 3" GP frame is the same size as the 4 and 6" but you have the option of switching to a more compact grip. Actually you have that option on the large models as well as the grip stud is the same length. My 3" GP's are the older models that shipped with the GP Compact grip and it makes for a nice concealable package that feels good in the hand. When I carry mine I carry them in a Simply Rugged Sourdough pancake holster either on the belt or IWB with the Inside Out strap option. Carries very well in that system.

For concealability, the 3" SP101 will certainly win the day. We've got a 3" SP and 2 2.25" ones here at Casa de RR. My 90% of the time carry gun is one of those 2.25" SP's

You might say I'm a Ruger DA revolver junkie :eek:.