Looking for a place to shoot in NC Illinois.


New member
This is a long shot I know, but it never hurts to ask. I’m looking for a place to shoot on private land in the Bureau County or southern Lee County Illinois area. I want at least a 25 yard clearing with a good back stop to shoot .22 rifles and hand guns, and center fire hand guns, .38, 9mm and .45 acp. Or better yet, 100 yards to shoot .223. I am willing to pay a reasonable yearly fee. I will sign any type of release forms required. If possible I would like unrestricted access, but understand if you want no shooting during deer seasons. The nearest public range for me is 35 miles one way and costs $25 a day to shoot. That’s getting old, real quick. I’m thinking something like $200 per year? It would mostly be me by myself, but occasionally I would bring my son or maybe son-in-law. I am a retired NRA / USA Shooting Appointed Pistol Coach, Master ranked in Combat Pistol, Expert Rifleman ranked, taken a 600 yard long range rifle training by SAFER USA, so I am experienced and safe. Thanks. E-mail: flattrack38(at)live.com

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Bud Helms

Senior Member
I am befuddled by a lot of abbreviations I see these days. What is NC Illinois? NC is the abbreviation for North Carolina.

Maybe north central Illinois?


New member
Go to ISRA and look up ranges, some clubs charge about what you're asking. ALso, look up IDPA's club map, that might help you find a range.
Shooting on someone's land is iffy, neighbors might not appreciate it too much if you accidentally send one through an outbuilding you didn't know was there.
Hope it helps