Looking for a New Rifle


New member
I want to add a bolt action rifle to my collection and need some suggestions. Here are my requirements: .30-06 (want to always be able to find ammo), Left Handed model, synthetic stock and somewhat tactical. I was thinking something along the lines of a Remington 700 Police but am completely open to suggestions.


New member
I would also be open to something in 300wm but think the .30-06 would get more usage. FWIW I am looking for something to use for distance and accuracy beyond my .308 M1A.
You say somewhat tactical... So you want a heavy barreled 30-06?

I don't think there are many mfgs that make a heavy barreled 30-06. You would have to buy a used 700 or Savage 110 or the action only and have it barreled with a heavy profile barrel and buy a stock.

Only 300 mag that has a heavy barrel that comes to mind is the Savage 110 FCP that comes with a nice HS Precision stock. There is also the 110 BA which is around $2k...


New member
I believe you will have to build one to meet all of your requirements. Being lefty limits your options. To be honest I'd buy a right handed rifle. My brother shoots lefty and went that way eveh after owning a left handed rifle for a while he found he prefered a right handed rifle.

A 30-06 will not offer any advantage over a 308 for your purposes. It would be easier to get where you want in a 308 anyway, ammo is cheaper, recoils less, tends to be more accurate and is just as easy to find. Easier to find match grade ammo. Almost all 30-06 ammo is geared toward hunting.


+1 to precision shooter. I would also rec. Savage for your request. Mainly because I've seen more left handed Savage bolt guns on the shelf than any other manufacturer and you should be able to get what you want (cheaper than going the custom route).