Looking for a new rifle....


New member
I'm looking for a rifle to replace my not-so-old Remington 700 sps stainless. Several reasons...I want a little more accuracy, the long barrel is hard to handle in the woods and stand, and I want to swithc to .308. I'm getting 1 to 1.5 inch groups now and would prefer sub moa groups if im gong to upgrade.
Here are the guns on my radar sofar:
Remington 700 sps tactical
Remington 700 vtr
Remington 700 PSS Police Tactical
Remington 700 LTR

Here is my consern...why are the first 2 so much cheaper than the last 2? Will the difference between the first 2 and my 700 be just a style difference? What is the actual difference between the SPS tactical and hte much more expensive PSS?


New member
Jason... Have you considered something quite different that with do the job too: DPMS Panter 380 B ?
Very good accuracy, semi-auto and inexpensive.
Those bolt action rifles are not really for the XXI century IMHO.

By the way, what does this greek "Molon Labe" mean?

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
My woods gun is my H&R break action in 308 with a 20" bull barrel, (NEF now).
3/4" groups is good enough for me and the short barrel is nice in a crowded deer stand or in heavy brush. Second favorite is my ancient old Win 94 in 32 spcl but its more like 2-3 moa with iron sights.


New member
Molon labe translates to something like "come and get them." look up the battle of thermopylae for the story behind it.

Carbon, have you considered other companies besides Remington? Tikka has a sub moa guarantee. I have heard of great accuracy coming from CZ rifles and they include factory test target with their rifles. You could also consider a lever gun for the woods.

Don't get into the semi-autos without clearing some of your schedule to have time to clean them. The AR styles take some time to clean after a day at the range but the reduction in recoil and quick follow up shots are a big plus.