Looking for a Handgun Rack


New member
I looked at those racks and they are awesome racks.

But I settled on these ...



(Hope that link works ...)

Works well, modular, uses real estate wisely ... inexpensive and modules can be purchased as needed.
Make it.

Plans may be found in the older copies of American Rifleman magazine. Since you're in Northern Virginia, you may be close enough to the National Firearms Museum (Fairfax) and can research it there. Alternatively, you can write the library and ask them.


New member
If you're cheap like me, go to the kitchenware section at WalMart.
$2.95 plastic coated, no-mar finish.


New member
I got the same ones BIgJim has and have had good luck with them. I think the 454 is too wide and you'll have to put that elsewhere, Works well for up to a 44 or 45 caliber handgun.