Looking for a good deal on a good scale


New member
Any ideas? My current cheap electronic scale finally died so I'm in the market for a new one. My price range is limited since I'm your typical broke college student. About $80 is my maximum UNLESS the scale you suggest is REALLY worth it.

Here are my criteria:
-accurate to +/- .1 grain
-quick to settle on a measurement
-easy to read
-CONSISTENT (this was the problem with my last scale, yeah yeah I know I asked for it with a cheap scale.

It being electronic isn't a necessity, but the quickness and ease of determining a measurement sure is nice.


New member
My choice and one of the finest is the RCBS 10-10 ballance, but it sells for around $135.

An excellent ballance for the money is the Lyman Pro 1000 at $60.

Both of these have magnetic dampening.


New member
Midway has a Pact for $90... My dad loves his. I like my lyman but I bought a whole system so out of your range. They also have one my MTM for $42.

I also keep my old Redding beam scale in case the zombies cut power and I have to reload in a pinch.


New member
Cabelas has a Cabelas brand digital scale in your budget. It is 9 volt battery or 120v AC and comes with 2 check weights.


New member
I've heard some negative feedback on another forum regarding the Cabelas scale. Personally I like my RCBS Rangemaster 750. Easy to calibrate, seems to be accurate. You can find them on sale for around $90.


New member
I have used this scale for the last several years:

RCBS 502 (about $70 new)

I just splurged, and bought an RCBS 750 for 90.00 or so because I wanted a digital scale I could trickle powder with. I was not able to do this with a cheaper scale I received as a gift.

Both scales read the same measurements (I now check one with the other periodically for peace of mind).

I love using both of them and either would will serve you well.

E-Bay (yeah I know, I hate them too, but sometimes they have something you need) has a RCBS 502 for a buy it now price of $39.00. (just do a search)

Good luck.


New member
Cabelas has a Cabelas brand digital scale in your budget. It is 9 volt battery or 120v AC and comes with 2 check weights.

I have this scale and it works great.. I still check it once in a while with my balance beam and it is always right on the money. Mine is the 1500 and I'm happy with it:).
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