Looking for a good clip joint.

Big Caliber

New member
A place that sells stripper clips, that is. Specifically for a Remington 1903A3 rifle. I tried a search of the forums here but came up empty. Anybody have any ideas???

T. O'Heir

New member
Gunparts lists stripper clips under Springfield 1903 Accessories.
Their item #525170A. $1.80 each.
Any stripper clip made for any .30 cal will do. As in any 7.62NATO or .30-06 clip. They work for any like sized case too. Good things for carrying hunting stuff like .243 or .270 ammo in a pocket.


New member
8mm Mauser ones will probably work as well, and they don't have the little tabs to break off.

How many are you looking for? I have a bunch in the garage somewhere.

On edit: just confirmed, Turkish and Romanian 8X57 stripper clips work fine, or at least as good as 1903 strippers.
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