Looking for a "Fine" gun ....


New member
I've been shooting for a few years now -- got my start right here on TFL. I have owned a number of guns -- sold some when money got tight, kept the ones that I was able to afford or that I liked. Now, I am in a position to treat myself and I'm going to do it "First Class."

This is my deal:

* I don't carry nor do I plan to -- my shooting is purely recreational at the range. (I just find satisfaction in being able to put bullets where I want them on a target.)

* For convenience and economy's sake, I only shoot .22 and 9MM

* I already own a Browning Buckmark, a Beretta Neos, a Star BM, a Bersa 223, and an S&W K22 (Actually, a Pre-Model 17)

Now, I am looking for a 9MM that is a "Fine" gun. Not collector's item but something that is a little special -- not necessarily a work of art but something nicer than the average "tool." I am looking for something that is both classic and classy.

I've been thinking about a BHP or perhaps a 1911 in 9MM but I'm sure the board has opinions -- I'd love to hear them!


New member
BHP customized by Novaks or maybe Yost

HK P7/M8

SIG P210


S&W 952

Various offerings by STI or SVI

SA 1911 9mm customized by 'XXXXX'

Semi-Custom makers like Nighthawk or SA Custom can make you a nice 1911 9mm too

All very nice. Unfortunately, its the pricey guns that are special and "fine" but that's the way it is.


New member
I am looking for a 9MM that is a "Fine" gun.[/img]

You might want to look at a S&W 952

Or, if you like the 1911 platform, order a RRA Competition 9 mm

Good Luck...



New member
The Sig 226 would make for a nice, accurate addition to your collection. The CZ 75b in stainless steel is also an excellent choice.


New member
Again on the Sig 226,
At one time I could punch 15 rounds in a 3 in or tighter group at about 30ish ft. Could not do that with any of my other guns.


New member
Go with a 1911 - Kimber makes a few like the Tactical Pro II model or give Wilson Combat a call - they will make a number of models, like the CQB or Protector in 9mm for you ( they may have a few in stock ).


New member
I am looking for a 9MM that is a "Fine" gun.
Not collector's item but something that is a little special
-- not necessarily a work of art but something nicer than the average "tool." I am looking for something that is both classic and classy.

Based on your other guns It's time for a Glock. Fits all of your criteria and it's also not expensive. There was a group buy on THR not long ago where you could get most glock models for $450 NIB, add a littl more for night sights.

I's get a Glock 17 or my favorite a Glock 19. The 19 IMHO is the perfect size to shoot and I even carried mine until I got the Glock 26.

IMHO the Glock makes the best 9mm. 17/19/26/34. They are accurate, reliable and virtually indestructible. They have fewer parts than most (34) and can be customized easily and inexpensvely with aftermarket barrels, 3.5 trigger pulls, night sights, hi-cap mags depending on location and much more.


New member
Based on your other guns It's time for a Glock ... IMHO the Glock makes the best 9mm. 17/19/26/34. They are accurate, reliable and virtually indestructible ...
Interesting that you'd bring up the Glock.

The first gun I ever held was a Glock -- it belonged to my first firearms instructor. If I'm not mistaken, it was a G26 and I remember my first impression being, "This thing is tiny -- and it has a funny trigger." I was a totally green shooter and didn't know S from S but like most first impressions, it was a lasting one and I pretty much stayed away from Glocks.

Fast forward about three years and I saw a Glock that REALLY caught my eye. Although a lot of people consider it ugly, I thought (and continue to think) that the Glock 34 is one of the uniquely-cool looking firearms out there. Something about that l-o-n-g slide really appeals to me and I hunted for (and finally found) one to shoot. Therein lies the rub.

It simply doesn't fit my hand well. :(

I have often read where people compare shooting a Glock to "holding a 2x4." Absolutely no disrespect intended but I now know exactly what they mean. Even though I have very big hands, the feel was all wrong.

I have no dog in the fight regarding the Glock's quality, reliability, or suitability to task -- I certainly don't want to contribute to the flame wars as there have been way too many of those on TFL regarding Glocks.

I happen to believe that they're great guns -- but they aren't for me.


New member
Sounds like the H&K P7/M8 is exactly what youre looking for. One of the most accurate and unique guns youll shoot