Looking for a 9mm semi-auto...


New member
Well it seems my Kel-tec Sub-2000 9mm order won't be filled as I was told and the 9mm CX4 Storm is more than I'm willing to spend on it (Can't find any used either) so I'm back to the drawing board. Not interested in a 995.

What options do I have left? Has to be NJ legal of course :rolleyes:


New member
Second the Marlin 9 -- although I would pick up a Ruger as well for the right price.

What 9MM Carbine is not NJ legal and why?


New member
I scored a great deal on a Colt 6450 right after the ban sunset and have been pleased with it. The mags are a PITA to load without a loader, but they function great. The gun is accurate and reliable, but the straight blowback design makes it recoil harder than one would think it should.