Looking for a .270


New member
Looking to buy a .270 and was wondering what brands are the best. I have wanted a Remington 700 for a while but after Remington destroyed Marlin, I have my doubts about their quality. Also looked at the M77 Hawkeye from Ruger and it would be ok as well, but I haven't shot one of these rifles. This will be a deer rifle only if that helps. Any suggestions? Budget is between $800-900. Thanks


New member
If you don't trust the Remingtons there is nothing wrong with going to Ruger. Ruger has always made very good quality rifles and the only complaint I can make about any of the Rugers I have owned is when I pack a heavy barrel on a hunt and end up having to move all over the country side for the day is how it kicks my old tired out of shape butt.


New member
The Savage fans will be all over you in just a moment, so I'll get in early and say that there are plenty of great rifles, and I think Remington should still be counted in that list. I've got several Rugers and like them all. Just go to several gunshops and see what feels and looks best to you and try out the triggers. I'm finicky about triggers and want them to be 'just right', so every centerfire rifle I've got has a gunsmithed trigger. As for what rifles to avoid, I don't think there's a major rifle maker out there that should be avoided. Others may have different opinions. As for caliber, your choice of the 270 is a great one.


New member
That Savage, in a 116 "Weather Warrior" has an Accutrigger, Accustock, and will cost you maybe 700.00, itll shoot circles around anything in it's class.;)

Or maybe you should check out the Weatherby Vanguard MOA, or the Howa, or such...

Yes, GO .270 winny Dude!!!:)


New member
Tikka T3, Browning XBolt, TC Icon would be the 3 I would check out. Something else to check is TCs 30TC round. Alot like the .270 caliber but has some added benifits to it


New member
+1 for what 603Country said, go handle every brand you can and see which one you like the best. Does your budgeted price include scope and mounts?


New member
Buy an old Rem 700 270
from the 80's. You'll
save a few bucks and
will have an accurate rifle.
My 700 BDL 270 will
put 3 shots completely under
a quarter at 150 yds (when I
do my part) and that was before I
had a Timney trigger installed.
Great rifle.


New member
If buying a new gun today Winchester is my 1st choice, Ruger would be my 2nd choice and a great gun for the money.

In my opinion the concerns over Remington quality are over stated. I think the Winchester and Ruger designs are better, but if I wanted a Remington I'd buy one.


New member
Ok savage fans, I really like the look of the 14/114 American Classic. I see that it has the accu-trigger but not accu-stock. How good a gun is this and is it better than a Ruger Hawkeye? Price on both rifles are really close to each other.


New member
It's very hard to go wrong with a Weatherby, Savage, or a Howa. All represent great value and are highly accurate. And .270 is one sweet round.


New member
The Savage rifles will likely be a bit more accurate than the Ruger, but are butt ugly. Even the 14/114 series. Don't confuse a pretty piece of wood for a rifle. They do tend to put good wood on them though.

The Ruger will be far more reliable, dependable and better looking. With some of the best scope mounts ever made included in the price. You simply have to work hard to break a Ruger.


New member
I have shot plenty of Ruger rifles, just not a larger caliber like the Hawkeye. How much more reliable can a Ruger be than a Savage? Do Savages have a history of not being reliable? The reason I ask is that I have not owned either of these rifles, and with price so close together I want to get the best rifle out of the 2. I have heard nothing but praise on the Savages but haven't heard much on the Ruger.


New member
I bought a Remington 700 .270 this year and retired the Ruger 77 Mk II all-weather for awhile. The Ruger put down alot of game over the years and has been the most accurate rifle I've ever owned until now. Both will shoot well under an inch at 100 yards. Here's my Remington. It's very well made BTW. (Click on the pics to enlarge them).


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New member
Man, I hate my old ones, I have 3 700s from around 07-08 and the triggers are the only downfall. I want to update them all but to do them all will be probably 500 bucks and they are a bugger to work down at all and be safe


New member
I like the fact that the Ruger comes with scope rings. As you can tell I like the wood stock on a gun. Plastic is fine, but polished wood on a gun just looks right and I like the added weight. Now I have to decide which one of these to get. Does any one know how good the trigger is on the Ruger?


New member
Own 2 700s, 2 Hawkeye's, and a Weather Warrior. I have to say that I like the Savage better. Shoots .5" and is smooth as butter. After I got it, I noticed that it has a 3 position safety. The Accutrigger and Accustock are outstanding. If a Savage, get the Weather Warrior.