Looking for 34MM rings


New member
Recently purchased a Bushnell Ellie 4.5-30x50, 34MM tube to put on my ruger mkii. The rifle has been rebarrelled with a heavy barrel from hart. I purchased the only 34MM rings I could find, leupold high. They aren't high enough. Probably about .050 -.1 to low. I've searched and can't find any other rings. I looked at a couple of ruger to picatinney/weaver bases but I question the integrity of them. Not sure they will hold up. Does anyone make custom rings or does anyone have experience with the weigatinny? (Jack weigand picatinney base for ruger)


New member
Allenj that's the weigatinny rail I'm am looking at as well. If I can't don anything else I will go that way. T o heir I didn't see anything on that link that connects to a ruger base. Which model are you referring to? It's definitely the 50MM objective but the taper and size of the barrel is part of the equation


New member
Not positive,but I think IOR Valdada sells some larger tube tactical Straight tube scopes.They may have something


New member
Looks like they have a base similar to the weigand (twice the price) but didn't see any rings. iPhone is limiting, will look again tomorrow.