Looking down the bore

Guy B. Meredith

New member
What are the best tools for inspectin a bore? I expect one answer to be Bore Light, but can I get something simple from the hardware store that serves? For a light source, should it be directed or not? Are optical devices available for weak eyes?


New member
There are Bore scopes, but they run around 1200 i believe, maybe pick one up for 800. But they allow you to look very closely at the lands and grooves.


New member
Guy .. no pics to post to show you but ...... there are two add-ons you can use which will go onto a mini-mag light.

One is a rubber cap with a fiber-optic of about 6" on the end ... put that in chamber and look down from muzzle .. it works well.

Other is same idea except instead of fiber-optic, it has a bent piece of approx 3/8" acrylic clear rod .. does same thing.

The latter I picked up at a gunshow .... the former .. it was something Wally World had a year or two ago .. try there perhaps. Sure they are still available - somewhere!
The optics attachments work real well. If you done't have one, your pocket flashlight will do well (you do carry a pocket flashlight, right? ;)). If the light is bright, angle it so that it's not directly down the bore.

If the light is directed from your side, rather than toward you, a white piece of paper at the other end does wonders for soft reflection.