Looking at a KAHR


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I've been looking for a new 9mm for concealed carry. I've always loved my Taurus PT 27/7, but it's a large frame, and a little hard to keep concealed in the summer, not to mention being a little heavy and pinching my butt when I sit down. I also worry at restaurants and the like that the person at the next table can see it when I reach for my wallet. I wind up carrying a small Kel-Tec in the summer, but that's a little small for my liking. I hate pinky hang.
I'm not crazy about the smaller Taurus either, and I don't like Glocks. Sigs, I can take 'em or leave 'em, but I love the de-cock.
I was looking at a KAHR CW9 today, and I liked the shape, size and feel. I wasn't crazy about the pinned front sight with no dovetail, but it seemed like a great design for concealed carry.
I've never shot a KAHR of any caliber, so I was wondering what folks thought of this make and/or model. Obviously, for CC, my first concern is reliability.
Going away for a few days, so I'll give thanks in advance.


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I have a Kahr PM9 that is 100% reliable. I also have a P45 on Lay-Away.

Kahr makes a fine pistol and their Double Action Trigger is tops I think. I have a friend that hates his Glock, but he is mandated to carry that since it's his issue weapon. He too loves my Kahr and wishes he could carry it.

Bear in mind, both of us grew up on 1911's and S&W Revolvers. In fact I still carry a Revolver as a "Primary", and a J-Frame as a BUG. The PM9 is my third weapon. Since we came of age in the "Old School" we like older things with some modern touches. That is why we both like the Kahr Trigger. It reminds us of a good Revolver in it's Trigger Action.



New member
I have a CW9 that I really like. It's well made, reliable and quite accurate.



New member
I also have a CW9 and am quite fond of it. I carry it daily. I read about the 200 rd. break in and I read to expect some malfunctions during that 200 round break-in but I haven't experienced anything but flawless function. I carry mine in an IWB holster in the small of the back. It's comfortable to carry and great to shoot once you get used to the somewhat heavy DA trigger.

44 AMP

Easter Sunday

I was at the range helping a friend break-in his Kahr P9M (?) the little one. He has problems with nerve damage in his arms and cannot fire alot of rounds, and wanted to run a couple of hundred 9mm through it to determine reliability for CCW. And he asked me to help him burn up some of his ammo.

He put about 70 rnds through it without any problems, and then I fired about 50 or so. I got one failure to eject (horizontal stovepipe). Accuracy was pretty good, giving fist size groups at about 20 yds.

This was my first time shooting a polymer framed DA only pocket pistol. Sights were ok, I didn't care much for the trigger, but was able to use it well enough. What bothered both of us was that the "bumps" on the rear of the grip made some painfully uncomfortable impressions on our hands after a couple of mags. While this would not be a consideration if the pistol was only used for defense, it does make parctice rather uncomfortable.

We ended the session early, as my friend decided that he wanted to talk to his gunsmith about getting the "bumps" (beads? what ever you call them) smoothed somewhat.


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I bought a Kahr PM40 approx. 10 months ago. Read about 200 round break in period. The main problem I had was failure to go into battery 1 out of 3 shots for about 400 rounds. The gun will not fire out of battery. I would touch the back of the slide with my thumb, close it and fire. The gun is very accurate for a 3" barrel. The gun has to be kept very clean (unlike my glock) or it will not function. You will get used to the rough checkering on the backstrap or at least I did. The gun will fit into the back pocket of a pair of jeans. Fantastic trigger. After 1000+/- rounds it is reliable and my favorite ccw. The only thing I don't like is a small wire, must be the end of a spring, that protrudes from a hole by the left side of the trigger pivot pin. About once a month I take the end of a knife handle and push it back in where it was when gun was new, visible but not sticking out 3/16". Size diff with PM9 is negligible. Recoil is manageable, hard to double tap. Love it!


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Just came back from the range. I shot the P9. It was very nice, better trigger than the Taurus. the trigger pull was slightly heavy yet very smooth. I am thinking that the CW9 is just right. Recoil was about like a .40 S&W in a 2 lb. pistol. Control wasn't an issue. Accuracy wise I was able to keep all rounds center of mass at 25 yds. using either hand. I liked it a lot. That is great accuracy in my book for such a compact and light pistol. Definitely worth the money.


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Slugthrower, my CW9 has been an outstanding performer. I've not had a single malfunction in some 700 rounds fired since I purchased it, not even during the "200 round break in" period. The gun has digested a variety of ammo without so much as a hiccup.

I think I like my new EMP a little better though. The Kahr has more felt recoil which means it's a little slower for me to get off follow-up shots. The grip is also very tiny on the Kahr, even more so than the EMP (which fits my hand better). It's not bad mind you, but the EMP is a little more ergonomic for me. I'm also more comfortable with a single action 1911 design than I am a DAO/striker firearm. I'll keep the Kahr though, it's a great little gun.


New member
Yeah the grip was a tad small. I think that it would help in concealment though. I am quite sure that the EMP feels great. But alas I am not so comfortalble with cocked and locked. No doubt that a SA beats a good DA any day. For a CCW I think the little Kahr will do well.

Plus it looks like a "cousin" to my DA/SA FNP-40.

Now to see if the lady of the house will understand the need for it.:D


New member
When dealing with a woman in the house you must get creative.

Here's a trick I've learned. Blame it on someone else.

Example: "Honey, do you remember Paul my buddy? He bought a new handgun and his wife doesn't know about it. He wants me to hold on to it for a while until he finds the nerve to break it to his wife. I told him you wouldn't mind, I'll keep it in the safe with the others."


New member
Here's the EMP next to my CWP. The EMP is slightly bigger, but not much.



You're right though, the CW9 makes a great carry gun. It's noticibly lighter than the EMP too... which is a bonus in my view. But I'm so attune to the 1911's ergonomics that I can't help but favor the EMP.


New member
Oh, the one thing I hate about my Kahr... sorry, I just thought of this... no night sights. The front sight isn't dove tailed either. I wish they would have dove tailed the front sight so I could easily replaced the factory sights with night sights.


New member
Simple is best for the most part, the glo in the dark stuff is fine. I can do without it though. Point shooting at 10 ft or so isn't bad with a 1911 or that little Kahr.

One thing is for sure, Mr. Browning was a great designer. We all may as well face it. The 1911 is the standard by which all others are measured. Mr Cooper and many others proved that all you really need is a accurate , reliable , natural pointing pistol. The doo dads are just icing on the cake.

Then there is that Hi Power... Hmmmm.

That EMP is definitely looker. The rest goes without saying.


New member
The CW9 is Kahr's "budget" gun.
One of the things you don't get on the less expensive versions are things like dovetailed sights that have Tritium installed.

The standard models have all the better features, but do cost more.


New member
I'd avoid the CW. A gun dealer I know says the "C" stands for cheap. Kahr is a good arms maker and the CW is its budget model. If I bought one, I'd consider a model with better fit and finish.


New member
Yes, I love my pm9, the pm has the dove tail sights and can be ordered with the night sights. I picked up mine very, very slightly used, not even broken in for 500.00 ..Buds has them for about 550 new !!!! For a 17 oz gun, very short it's very accurate !!! the recoil on the 9mm is not too bad, but I would imagine the 40 is pretty rough. I have the Smith&Wesson M&P that weighs over 2 times what this one is and it has one heck of a kick.


New member
Kahr needs to offer a polymer framed 9mm auto that isn't a "budget" model. I prefer polymer for weight reasons. If I'm buying a mini-auto for carry, I'm doing so because I want it small and light. That doesn't mean I don't want features like night sights.

I'm not sure why Kahr would equate light weight carry with cheap/low end model. Seems kind of short sighted to me.

As for the quality, my CW9 displays superb quality. The fit and finish is very good.


I don't know about that particular model of Kahr, but my model MK9 (black oxide finish version) is my go-to gun. Can't say enough good about it. I carry it every day in a SmartCarry rig, but I also sometimes just throw it in the back pocket of my jeans while mowing the lawn or tooling around the house. I also have a nice leather OWB belt-slide for it, but never use that one anymore. It's reliable, powerful for it's size (9x19), well-made, reasonaby accurate, etc. Only gripe I had was the sharp edges around the back of the grip, near the top, digging into my thumb and thumb web....but a little judicious dremeling solved that.

If you can find the MK9 9093-BOX version of the MK9, it'll be $225-$250 less than a normal stainless MK9, yet every bit as good and corrosion-resistant; possibly better.


Having said that, this VT shooting has made me think I oughtta start carrying my CZ again, for added accuracy, controllability, & firepower in the event of deranged killer. But dang, those covering garments issues make CCW a pain, versus the ease of SmartCarry.

Making that EMP gun there with a full-sized grip is about the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Ditto on the similarly-dimensioned Kahr models. What needs to be short is the GRIP, not the bbl/slide, for ease of concealment. The GRIP is what prints and gives you away. Ridiculous. Just M.O.


New member
Had Kahr K40 Elite. Great gun, very reliable, even in the break in stage. Couldn't shoot it well, so it was traded. If you can shoot it well, I'd get it. If not, the reliability is kinda moot.