Lookin to buy rifle?


New member
There I was looking for a new, to me, rifle. Started thinking, it hurts, about what I was looking for.

Want something to go after deer and slightly larger game with.

Want something that has the potential to reach out 400-800yds.

Want something that uses a military style cartridge, available if SHTF occurs.

Want something that would work fairly good at shooting targets for accuracy. Needs to shoot better than me.

Want something which would not cost over $250 total with a strong preference for $150-$200.

After much toing and froing and varied muttered impecations I decided that a bolt action .308 would probably fill most of my wants. So, I go looking thru around and lo and behold I see Guardia Civil Mausers in .308 and the price is definitely right. Nice point is that with the bolt handle already turned down minimal smith work to mount scope.
Then I make the mistake of reading TFL and others about this particular firearm. Boy, you do a good job of convincing me that the problems far outweigh advantages. So that one is out of the question.
Now I am looking at another rifle that is an Isreali K98 rifle. Manufactured by FN in early 50's based on the Mauser 98. While the price is pushing the high end of my means I think that this one will fill most of my wants.
Would really appreciate some detailed good/bad points on this type of rifle.