Look What My Email Brought in From Boxer


New member
Well folks, anybody wanna take this one on? I don't know how this was sent to me, but here is the political enemy up close and personal:

Dear Friends:

We have just ended a year filled with events that we will never forget. Terrorism and our national response to it was the clear focus of Congress after September 11. In the new year, we are also working on many other challenges facing our nation. One issue I will be working on in the coming months is gun violence.

California suffered greatly this past year, as school shootings seized the lives of two innocent young people and impacted countless others. Our state is not alone in grieving for lost children – other states were similarly victimized with shootings, and other families and communities were forced to mourn. After each school shooting I contacted President Bush, urging him to act on common sense gun legislation. Because new controls have not been enacted, I continue to fight for meaningful gun law reform. Guns must not find their way into our children’s hands, our communities’ schools, or our neighborhood streets. Most important, we know how to reduce gun violence. We know what laws we need to pass to reduce gun related deaths and to make our schools and streets safer for our children.

As always, I would be happy to hear from you regarding this or any other issue. Please feel free to forward this electronic newsletter to your friends and neighbors.


Barbara Boxer
United States Senator

Closing the Gun Show Loophole

I remain committed to closing the gun show loophole that allows felons, domestic abusers, and other prohibited persons to buy guns without a background check, and I am working with Senator Reed to pass S. 767, the Gun Show Background Check Act. This bill will ensure that all gun buyers are run through an instant background check system, closing a glaring loophole in current law that allows individuals to sell guns indiscriminately at gun shows without performing background checks.

Mandating the Sale of Child Safety Locks and Making Sure They Work

Senator Kohl and I are working together for passage of an amendment to the Brady Act that would require a child safety lock whenever a handgun is sold. Countless lives will be saved when gun manufacturers are required to include a safety mechanism that prevents the accidental firing of handguns. To make sure these safety locks work, I have joined Senator Kerry in sponsoring a bill that will direct the Consumer Product Safety Commission to create guidelines for child safety locks for guns. A child safety lock standard will bring us one step closer to preventing premature and tragic deaths from the accidental firing of handguns if they deactivate when guns are dropped on the floor or if a child plays with them.

Making Our Schools Safer

In 2001, I introduced two bills to ensure that our schools remain safe havens for our children. I will continue to fight for their passage this year. S. 747, the School Safety Fund Act, would give schools money to implement important violence prevention programs. It would also provide funds to hire more school counselors, equip schools with better security equipment, and create student-mentor partnerships. S. 748, the COPS In Schools Act, would put more police officers in all of our nation’s schools, not just those that have the money to pay. Having school resource officers in schools, interacting with the students, has been an effective means of both preventing violent attacks and stopping them if they start.

Bringing Our Federal Gun Laws In Line With California’s Gun Laws

Using California’s stronger gun laws as a model, I have joined Senator Feinstein as a co-sponsor of legislation which prohibits a person from possessing a firearm, unless that individual has been issued a firearm license as required by the Brady Act. Making the law uniform across the country will prevent individuals from simply being able to cross state lines and take advantage of weaker states’ laws.


For more information, please go to: http://boxer.senate.gov

If this message reached you in error, or if you would like to cancel your subscription, please reply to this message with unsubscribe in the subject line.

D.W. Drang

New member
Bringing Our Federal Gun Laws In Line With California’s Gun Laws
And Californians wonder why the rest of the country detests them...

Using California’s stronger gun laws as a model, I have joined Senator Feinstein as a co-sponsor of legislation which prohibits a person from possessing a firearm, unless that individual has been issued a firearm license as required by the Brady Act.
'Scuse me?


New member
Good Morning. Welcome to the PRK. Please turn in all firearms at the approved State Firearms Recycling and Manhole Manufacturing Facility. Register with your local Law Enforcement Dangerous Individual Records Center. Report immediately to the nearest State Sponsored Liberal Re-Education Center for your mandatory 10-week indoctrination series to facilitate the neccessary attitude changes to make your life in our New Country productive and useful. For The Good Of The State Comes Before The Rights Of The Individual. Attendance to all meetings ,training, and educational functions is compulsory. Failure to comply will result in imprisonment, forfeiture of rights, or deportation. :) Remember, The State Wants You All To Be Your Happiest And Most Productive!:)

Resistance is fulile. You will be assimilated. Surrender to the inevitable, as Society Depends On Your Cooperation.
What is this Panty waist's e mail to contact her. I luckily escaped from The People's Reublik of Kalifornia to Nevada and Montana but this letter really pi**es me off. What permit do you need under the Brady Bill? Two children died from guns this year? How about cars, knives, sporks, etc. Seems like Babs has some more important issues to deal with. The whole gun lock issue is BS, even if they make you buy one it is the individual's responsibility to use it. If you have to buy one with a gun but don't want to use it you won't, that law is stupid.:mad: :mad:


New member
Says: HUH?!?!
Using California’s stronger gun laws as a model, I have joined Senator Feinstein as a co-sponsor of legislation which prohibits a person from possessing a firearm, unless that individual has been issued a firearm license as required by the Brady Act.
Uh, babs, could you perhaps point out the part of the Brady Act that requires the issuance of a firearm license? Do you know something that the rest of us have not yuet been told about?


New member
I sent her a "Press Ready" copy of "GunFacts 3.1" in .pdf format with a suggestion she and her aides read it thoughtfully and respond to me. My experience in writing either my state Democrat reps or Federal Democrat reps has been for them to respond by basically telling me I don't know what I'm talking about (firearms issues) and to go "p*ss up a rope." Communicating with them is less than useless. Spending time supporting their political OPPOSITION is far more productive.


New member
Bringing Our Federal Gun Laws In Line With California’s Gun Laws
Now THAT got my attention!

All residents of Arizona and Nevada, please go to your western border with dynamite and bulldozers and PUSH KALIFORNYA INTO THE PACIFIC IMMEDIATELY!!!!


New member

Not yet. There's a good possibility that LA County, the hometown of the Hollywood Marxists, will become shall-issue.

It'll all depend on the election for Sheriff of LA County. Baca, the current liberal in power, is in real deep ****. He's 100 million over budget, he's involved in the Vignali pardon scandal, ticket fixing, social welfare, you name it.

Both of his opponents, especially John Stites (www.voteforstites.com) have said that they will turn LA from a "campaign contributers only" issue to "shall-issue" if they are elected.

This is a real serious matter, and I've already contact Gunowners of California on the matter. There's two opponents to Baca, both are pro-gun (and will issue CCW's shall issue in LA county). Baca is in real danger of losing.

Can you imagine the political shockwaves from that? It would be a hell of a grand experiment, so to speak. If the opponents back up their statements, and the crime rate in LA (which is still going up) all of a sudden does a complete 180 and starts going down dramatically, the anti-gunners would have no leg to stand on, especially in Sacramento.

Master Blaster

New member
How many children died in swimming pools last year in California?

Why not license swimming pool owners? A giant child safety locking cover would help.

And Ban those dangerous assault swimming pools from private hands.

What a bunch of HOOO HAAA.


New member
Unfortunately in this backward state the fact that Baca's opponents are pro "shall issue" carry will probably be used agains't them.
The victim disarmament lawmakers in this state allready don't have a leg to stand on. It never stopped them before. It must be all that granola in the leftist diet. It blocks clear thinking. :rolleyes:


New member
Not yet. There's a good possibility that LA County, the hometown of the Hollywood Marxists, will become shall-issue.
That would be collossal, but 'scuse me if I don't hold my breath. I'm still thinking of lobbying congress to get a law passed allowing us to vote cities and/or states out of the union, kinda like ancient Greek ostracism.

Actually, if we could just vote to strip certain individuals of their citizenship and have them deported it would work just as well. Imagine putting Hillary, Feinstein, Shumer, Boxer, Waxman, hell the list goes on and on, on a big boat and shouting Bon Voyage!


New member
Actually, if we could just vote to strip certain individuals of their citizenship and have them deported it would work just as well. Imagine putting Hillary, Feinstein, Shumer, Boxer, Waxman, hell the list goes on and on, on a big boat and shouting Bon Voyage!

You think that most of us would prefer to hear someone shout "Bon Voyage" or "Damn! Look at the size of that hole in the hull! You ever see a tub take on water so fast??"