Long term Mobil-1 immersion effect on bluing?


New member
Will long term (months or years) immersion of firearms in Mobile-1 Synthetic Oil cause any damage to bluing on older revolvers?

I am describing completely submerging entire handguns into a container filled with a quart or three of oil (minus any wood grips).

Are there any additives in synthetic motor oils which might react to and damage bluing?

How about non-synthetic motor oils?

I'm not asking about what the best protectant/lubricant is...just the effects on bluing if stored in this manner.

I've been unable to find a definitive answer through the search function.

Thanks in advance...
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Bud Helms

Senior Member
Never heard the question asked before ... don't have a clue based on any knowledge, BUT my money is on, it won't affect it at all.


Staff In Memoriam
I would contact Amsoil and speak to tech dept. Ask them what oil has the fewest additive... They make stuff for many industries and applications on up to "food grade". All of their oils are TRUE ester resin base stock unlike most other so called synthetics on the market.

Maybe a motorcycle fork oil or something but they will help you.
It is the only synthetic I use.

big bug

New member
with immersion are you planning on long term storage? Is using Mobil -1 synthetic oil another technique people are using? Something along the lines of Cosmoline?


New member
Interesting question.

Most companies that build sealed suppressors suggest transmission fluid and paint thinner mixed to clean the suppressors. Using this formula my suppressors have had no issues with the coloration on them. One is blued and the other 3 have a parerized type finish. I usually dump them into the mix and leave them there until I am ready to go shooting again. They have sat for up to a month in the tank.