Long-ranges in CA?


New member
Within the next year (possibly 2) I'll be relocating to the LA area (not by choice, but the better half has a really good job there and I'm more mobile than she is). The question is... Does anyone know my chances of finding a rifle range with 1000yds or at least close to?


New member
I shoot out at Lake Piru (about 1 ~ 1.5 hours North of LA up West of Magic Mountain Theme Park).

I believe they have 800 yard targets.

The Angeles Range, about 30~45 minutes North of LA, has metal targets out to 700 yards.


New member
The Desert Marksmen Rifle & Pistol Club in Angeles Nationald Forest is (normally) a 600 yard range. Once or twice a month the staff closes the normal bench area and you shoot from the bench on the hill 400 yards behind the normal benches, which makes it a 1000 yard range. They also have a 100 yard rimfire/blackpowder range and a 25 yard pistol range off to the side. Anyway, you have to be an NRA member to join the range club, then it's $60 to join and $40 anually to stay a member. Other than on match days, it's closed to the general public. Also, there's no range master on non-match days. I'm not sure how long it takes to get there from LA, but it's about 45 minutes to an hour Northeast of the previously mentioned Six Flags Magic Mountain. PM me it you want more info.


New member
The PRK can be a royal PITA, but the shooting sports manage to survive. You're only 2 hours from vast amounts of open BLM and desert land to camp and shoot to your hearts content. Some mountain areas about 1 ~ 1.5 hours away also offer open camping and shooting.

If you so choose, from LA you can go to the beach and the snow and back again in the same day. It's not all bad news.


New member
It's easy to be discouraged here, but there are a lot of gun folks here. Once you get out of the big cities, things are fairly gun friendly.

If you're going to be in LA, Culver City and Orange County (if the commute is OK with the wife) are havens of intelligence.

One nice thing if you feel like picking up a bunch of popular older S&W and Colt revolvers, S70 Colts, etc. you can bring them in no problem and PPT them to make a few bucks on the side. Our used market is very dry and folks are hungry.

I always try to encourage importing guns into California. :D


New member
several years ago purchased some desert land (45 acres) in the high desert.

So, I have a long drive, but by owning my own piece of barren desert I can shoot to my hearts content...just don't get to the desert as often as I would like.


New member
Yah, claud, I know what you mean. This is my current range... Isn't she puuurrty? And not a soul to worry about for miles... MANY, many miles. So I'm a bit spoiled at the moment. Hence, the worry about being able to find someplace once I get to the LA area. But so far, thanks to a few of you here, things are looking up!



New member
Well Rangefinder:
When you get to the people's republic, drop me an e-mail, and we can get together and do some shooting...the property I own doesn't have any of the amenities...toliet is a shovel and the big rock out yonder, but it's a place to shoot and not be bothered by flies (people who eat S*** and bother people).

50 shooter

New member
Angeles Range and Desert Marksman have already been mentioned, there's another range out by Santa Clarita that's private and I think they have a 1000 yard range. I'll have to ask a buddy for the link to their website as I can't think of it right now. It's not the range "A place to shoot" which is located out there also.

The desert is probably the best place to shoot, just make sure to check the BLM maps to be sure you not in the wrong place.