Long-range videos from the weekend


I love it!

"That's a hit." "Yep, that's a hit." [pause] Ding! :)

How big is the plate?

Dang that is superb equip - very jealous. :p

Zak Smith

New member
The bullet takes about 1.4 seconds to get to the target, and the impact report takes another 2.6 seconds to get back to us.

On the close target (340), you can see I've already racked the bolt and am preparing for the next shot by the time you can hear it.


New member
Nice demmonstration.
It would have been interesting to see the size of your targets and where your hits were in relation to center of the target.


New member
Very nice videos...and a LOT of data to chew on at that website. I was considering a .223 rifle to get into marksman shooting...but I'm considering a .308 now.

Zak Smith

New member

We're working on that too. I doubt if a video camera will be able to zoom enough to discern the far targets, but I bet we can make it work for intermediate ones.



New member
Excellent! Thank you, and I look forward to seeing and learning more. A+ go to the head of the class!..........;)