Long live the Model 10!

Larry C.

New member

Today I managed to find time to visit my outdoor range. My intention was to use my excellent Beretta 92FS with ridiculously cheap target ammo-as usual.
For some unknown reason, I grabbed my wife's model 10 S&W (w/ a 5-inch barrel), a single box of WWB 130 FMJ, a handful of old HPs and headed on my way!
56 rounds later I was whole again. My stress from the work week was gone and I had a BALL! 56 rounds fired with ZERO misses. It was a pleasure hearing those steel plates fall every time with my wheelgun. My revolvers feel like the handshake of an old friend.

Larry C.


New member

Yes, anyone can spray and pray with an auto but those revolvers make you pay attention. I steped back a bit today and shot black powder revolvers. Makes me appreciate my modern guns more since I had to strip it down to the smallest detail to clean it but it sure was worth the fun.

Glad you had a good day out.


New member
I fired a Model 10 (rental) at my usual range the other, getting back to basics and turning the clock back a few decades does wonders for you. I fired
Federal 130 Gr FMJs, not the best choice of ammo IMHO, you really need
148Gr WCs or 158Gr SWCs to really get the feel of it. I also recall what Bill
Jordan said in "No Second Place Winner" that the 38 Special is the most the average man can handle with any real proficiency.

Blue Heeler

S&W 10 - A classic!

I have one. I love it - 4 inch barrel. I load 4 grains WST with a 135 gr projectile. It shoots as straight as anything I have ever used. Besides that, it's a classic wheelgun. sights are fixed and with the original wood grips it has charisma. Everyone should have one of these and practice using it. Guns are very individual in some ways - you might prefer one for some reason or another, but classics, like the Model 10 are in a league of their own.

mega twin

New member
My old model 10 with the 4'' pencil barrel, was made in 1943. It has the smoothest action of any gun I have ever owned. The fixed sights are dead on at 7 yds. with 158 grain rn lead factory loads.Don't shoot it as much as I used to,since it's starting to get a little loose. You wouldn't think it would need a tune up after only 60 years!:)


New member
Rediscovered a M10 you say...

Me too. I find a new meaning to S&W K Frames about once every six months.

Model 64. 38 spl. SS 4 inch bull barrel fix sight, Calif. Department of Corrections piece with an official prison armourer lanyard loop screwed into the frame.

Needs to be tighten-up but it still shoots straight and functions perfectly. I paid ~$150 big ones for this-already beat-up piece. And I bet yankee dollars to police dounuts that this Smith will out last any 38 Taurus puts out.


New member
Haven't had a chance to shoot it yet but here is mine. 6" 10-7:


New member
I bought two model 10s used. The first one, a 10-5, I gave to my friend for his wedding. His first and only gun, and he absolutely loves it. So do I, dammit!

The second one, a 10-8, I kept for myself. It's just a perfect gun for the caliber and makes me a better shot than I really am with 158-grain LSWCHPs.