Long distance hogs and my Burris FFII


New member
The most recent scope purchases (one Leupold VXII and one Burris FFII) have the range dots below the main crosshair. I never thought I'd have much need of them, but bought them like that anyway. Today I decided that instead of hunting deer I'd hunt coyotes so I took the short barrelled 260, with the Burris, out of the gunsafe and parked my long distance rifle, the 270. Well, wouldn't you know it...at dusk about a dozen hogs ran out in the middle of an adjacent pasture and started enthusiastically digging up my pasture. It was at the max range of my Nikon 600 rangefinder, but after about 10 tries it told me the big hog was 386 yards off. Well, that's a bit of a stretch with the rifle I mostly use for short range work, but hey...I have those dots and I have calibrated the range for each one and pasted a sticker on the scope to remind me which dot is for which distance. So, I snugged into the rifle and put the right dot in what I figured was about the right spot and sent one downrange. Knocked that big Sow sideways. Ya know...I just might get used to these fancy newfangled scopes. And I sure do like that little 260 Ruger.


New member
I know what you mean with the little .260. I've got the short barreled Remington Model 7 and that is the dandiest little tree-stand gun I've ever had. I'm sure the little Ruger makes you feel the same way.


New member
Congrats on the hog! Time to upgrade your range finder though. :eek:

I have a Burris FFII that is going back to Burris pretty soon to have target turrets installed. I've put it to my .223 bolt gun and would rather dial in the elevation for the shot rather than do hold overs, assuming I have time to do so.