Locking lug issue - Enfield


New member
Hi all!

I bought an Enfield Mk4 clone made from AIA in .308, (Australian International Arms), shoots straight, feels good, looks great. As I cleaned it I pulled the bolt and noticed that the locking lugs on the bolt are only ''used halfway'' in the receiver. I am afraid that the rifle will get headspace issues in no time. Is it unsafe to shoot? I am totally pi$$ed I am thinking of throwing it back to the dealer.:mad:

Its hard to desribe so here's a pic:
As you can see from the shiney spots on the lugs (that indicates how far they lock up in the receiver) the big locking lug is only used to 1/2, the smaller one only to 1/3.

Is it unsafe to shoot? I dont shoot .50BMG through it, should I be concearned with factory .308?


New member
The shiny spots indicate the portion of the lug making contact not that the lug isn't fully engaged. Get some valve lapping compound at the auto parts store and use it to lap your lugs until you get full contact if it bothers you or take it to a gunsmith to have it done. I don't think you will have headspace issues anytime soon in its present state, nor do I think it is unsafe to shoot. Most production rifles don't have the locking lugs making full contact unless you have them lapped.


New member
Yes I've heard about that, but the enfield bolt is kinda tricky.

The big locking lug sits on a flat surface only half the size of the lug itself, the rest of the surface is curved for smooth bolt closing. I can clearly see that only half the lug is used. Same with the lug on the other side. Its not possible that the lugs make full contact to a flat surface for maximum lug efficiency.


New member
Well, in a nutshell you've identified my distaste for the Enfield locking system. I absolutely HATE the way mine locks up and I've got pretty much the same situation as you do but my gun has been inspected by a qualified gunsmith and the Milsurp gurus I know tell me it's nothing new - it's just an Enfield, "They made millions of 'em so stop worrying and get on with shooting it."

Two things however: 1) Mine is chambered in .303 and 2) I did have mine checked out because I was concerned. I suggest you have it looked at and if the headspace is good and your groups are good enough then just enjoy it, but that's must my 2¢ worth.



New member
Thanks for the reply, this is my only enfield-style bolt rifle I own so I didnt know that the enfield system locks like that. Learned something new today.And I thought I've got a lemon. :eek:

Well, I know what you are saying ''olyinaz'', I collect mauser K98k & Gewehr 98's so i am used to mauser actions - and looking at the enfield bolt and lugs I thought ''What? Thats....all?'' :eek:

But it seems that it works just fine, I'll keep shooting and throw my worries overboard until I notice a real problem about it.
I suggest you have it looked at and if the headspace is good and your groups are good enough then just enjoy it, but that's must my 2¢ worth.
Well this gun is factory-new (built in 08'), I didnt check the headspace but groups are incredibly tight (.75 at 50yds with iron sights and cheap ammo!) and the brass looks good, no bulges and extraction is smooth.


New member
I would not lap the lugs or monkey with the action.

Lugs seat as you shoot rounds. My Supermatch M1a, after 15,000 rounds, I am getting close to 90% engagement on both lugs.

Maybe in another 15,000 I will get 100%.

Don't worry about it.

I would like a AIA in 308, they were not offered in my area.


New member
Thanks for giving me confidence in my new rifle, I was about to throw it away before I asked you guys. :eek:

I would like a AIA in 308, they were not offered in my area.
As far as I know Marstar imported them not long ago, but arent they located in canada?
Here you go:
Where I live its hard to get semi-automatic rifles so the AIA makes up a nice niche, I would jump on a M1A in a heartbeat - the AIA costs pretty much the same!

However, my K98k's win the locking lug contest by far. :D
If you ever become concerned about a nice LE #4 with bright/shiny bore and rifling, and are driving thru the Memphis area, please send me a note.
Will pay an average market price.


New member
Thanks for the offer, but I think my budget is not high enough to pay a 6000 mile ride over the big lake anytime soon. :p ;)