locater chip in Chi-Com SKS/AK47 stocks?


Member In Memoriam
OK, so shoot me ;) & stick me in the tin-foil hat/black helicopter pot ... heard this through a usually reliable source recently that there's a strong possibility that there may be some Chi-Com (that's old-speak for the liberated people's republic of China) SKS/AK47s that have locater chips embedded in their stocks.

Supposedly, these chips allow tracking of the stock by satelite or ground sensors.

Anybody else heard of this or is it totally nuts?

Beats me ......... & just curious.


New member
Johnny Rolland has been putting this crap out! He usually does it when he's putting in a plug for Choate replacement stocks! It's TOTALLY B$!

Johnny also advertises the .460 Rolland carbine with the 230gr. bullet as producing "half 3,000 fps"! What the HEY????!!!

I wish it weren't so! But, he's a snake oil salesman!

Regards! DaMan

[This message has been edited by DaMan (edited August 08, 2000).]


New member
With the amount of care [not] lavished on Chinese stocks, I'd say putting an quasi-expensive chip in them is way out there.

Badger Arms

New member
The crow flies at midnight!

Sreiously, the Chinese cannot even put a sattelite in orbit. Still, give me a Choate any day over the Chinese stock.


New member
speaking of choate stocks for the sks anyone looking to buy one? have 1 for sale e-m me for info
as for locator chips why bother when they have a locator in the white house???


New member
Gentlemen, Johnny Rolland claims that the chips were installed by the US govt. into the SKS stocks when imported. He claims the reason is to locate your weapons. You naturally store your other weapons with your Chinese SKS.... so they can locate your entire cache!

The solution? Throw your Chinese stock away and replace it with a Choate (Choate sponsors his program)!

I have nothing against Choate. But Johnny Rolland is full of it!

However, I may be wrong! There may be a passive chip in the stock that can be located by satellite! There are two solutions. Send me all your old stocks! Or buy some of my "anti-satellite protective foil". Not only does this foil cover the signal from the chip in your SKS stock, it also protects you from those mind-melting low frequency waves the government may be beaming at your noggin!

I've found the protective foil, folded into the "Napolean" style protective covering, not only provides protection, but is also very stylish! I also wrap my right hand with the same foil and insert it under my uniform jacket to provide additional protection to my heart, which is also a target of the low frequency bombardment!

Just $75 (plus SAH) per 25yd. roll. Supplies are limited, so hurry and order today!

Regards! DaMan


Member In Memoriam
Like I said, so shoot me. Was just curious if anyone had heard of this an had any idea as to its (il)legit-ness.

Besides, I use mylar .... ;)
It's the same chip we put in the old Amana Radar Range Microwave oven controls back in the early 70's. It's only accurate to within 1000 feet, the audio portion is rather crude and it doesn't have video.

The one's you have to worry about is the one's we are putting in the newest Toyota vehicles.

We can hear every word you say...

:0 :0 :) :)


New member
Ha, ha, ha! That's funny! Why would they need that when we've had de facto registration for years anyway?

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.