Local home invasion


New member
Contrary to what I like to mention in some of my posts, my neighborhood may not be as safe as I thought and it's even worse than that sound.

According to an article in yesterday's Washington Post, there was a "home invasion" at a house about two or three miles away. Now first of all, that sort of thing used to be called a burglary and "home invasion" is just hype. But it amounts to the same thing.

Supposedly a homeowner discovered a man making a lot of noice trying to get into the house at about 11:00 PM and the homeowner had time to arm himself. Though it said it was obvious there were people in the house, the intruder came on anyway. There was a gunfight. The homeowner was struck in the chest, the intruder fled without injury. But the man was arrested just a short time later anyway, not far from the police station. So you have to give the police a little credit here but unfortunately the homeowner gets a failing grade.

The police said it was unusual in that the burgular was armed, among other things. The thing that bothers me the most, however, is that the man arrested, who is 21, was given as living two blocks from me on my street.


New member
That just supports the idea that no neighborhood is safe. The more research I do, the more I find that the biggest failure is in attitude. The "can't happen here" attitude. Just thinking as a theif. if I want to steal, I want to steal something thgat will make me money. I'm more likely to get that in an affluent neighborhood. Especially where people have the attitude that "it can't happen here".


New member
The difference between burglary and home invasion is that the dwelling is or is not occupied at the time, shotgun would have been better. Here in MI they have been hitting apt complexes real heavy, usually in groups of 3 to 5. Get someone to crack open the door and then do what basically is a smash and grab with a herd rush into the apt.

Uncle Buck

New member
When it comes to the home invasion thing, I do not think any neighborhood is safe.
We live in the country, on a dead end gravel road, but it is just 2 1/2 miles from a college town. We get all kinds of traffic here and usually one of the neighbors writes down the plate number on the car. We have a very informal 'neighborhood watch' system.

Our biggest problem is the junkies and meth makers looking for anhydrous ammonia to cook their meth with. When they do not find it, they feel free to check out local houses and buildings. A house on the next road over was broken into while the owner was at work.

If people would band together and start watching out for each other, confronting people who do not belong in the neighborhood, we could go a long way towards sending the message that our neighborhoods are not safe for the criminals. Another thing we can do, is get involved. If the guy looks like a dirt bag (Not all criminals do) and you have him arrested for trespassing, follow through. Press charges and go to court.

(I was talking to the county prosecutor a few weeks back and she said I would be surprised how many people will drop the charges and just want the prosecutor or police office to tell the criminal "Don't go there again.")

In the mean time, the only other thing you can do is try to be prepared. Practice where you are going to put your shots, practice holding your fire, and know what your laws are. If you have to shoot someone, it is not going to be pretty, but I hope more people believe in the Castle doctrine and protect what is theirs and most importantly, themselves and their loved ones.


New member
Home invasions are usually not random. In a lot of cases the home invasion is related to drugs. In more affluent areas the home invasion is related to specific knowledge that items of significant value are in the home.

As someone else mentioned a home invasion is different from a typical burglary because a home invasion is committed with the knowledge that there are occupants in the home versus a burglary where the burglar's preference is an unoccupied home.
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Glenn Dee

New member
+1 Twoedge

In my experience.... Most home invasions are inside jobs. Those that arent inside jobs tend to be part of a pattern. I think keeping current with the crime trends in your community is the best first defence you can do.

Having a gun is only slightly in second.

With knowing how to use the gun a very tight third.



New member
Mobilehome parks (as opposed to trailer park) are becoming a target in our area. Maybe because we are older citizens, or some are single, and usually can't or will not "fight back" for various reasons. Perscription drugs, cash, etc. are usually the items sought. There have been injuries to some of those that resisted. Those of us that are armed, still hesitate or question the wisdom of "castle doctrine" self defense due to liabilities of shooting when neighboors are so close and exterior walls, regardless of type of siding, are not bullet resistant. I have already pondered "fields of fire" should the likelyhood of "home invasion", but I will have to really consider the consequences before pulling the trigger. Anyone else in a similar situation and how might you deal with it?

Thank you.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
BlueTrain said:
Contrary to what I like to mention in some of my posts, my neighborhood may not be as safe as I thought....homeowner discovered a man making a lot of noice trying to get into the house at about 11:00 PM and the homeowner had time to arm himself. Though it said it was obvious there were people in the house, the intruder came on anyway. There was a gunfight. The homeowner was struck in the chest, the intruder fled without injury. But the man was arrested just a short time later anyway,

Your neighborhood WAS not as safe as you THOUGHT that it WAS but it is SAFER today than it was before this event occurred. Single perp is now in jail. One less bad guy on the street of a town that didn't have many to begin with. Less worry, not more. I don't worry about the "black swan" event. Think about it.... you weren't worried before the event, now the event has actually occurred and not to you but someone else. What are the chances that *it* will not only happen again but happen this time to you? Slim. That's what they are, and slimmer yet with this guy in jail.

The VAST majority of violent crime is in fact crime related. Druggie on druggie, dealer on dealer, user on family.... don't be one of those categories and you don't have much to worry about, especially if you don't live in one of *those* places.

Actually, more appropriately stated, I DO worry about the "Black Swan" event, it's just that I consider any instance of ever needing my firearm for defensive purposes in ANY way, at ANY time to be that event.

Anyone else in a similar situation and how might you deal with it?

I don't have that situation, but I'd deal with it the same way that I would any other home. A big, loud dog and an alarm system. In the case of a mobile home, you might need one of the "portable" alarms.
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New member
Wow Had time to arm himself before the guy gets in and he takes one in the chest and the perp is uninjured... Time to spend some more time at the range.
Or May I suggest my HD Choice Mossy 500A Patrolman #4 Buckshot would have been a very bad day for the bad guy...


New member
Peetz, thanks for the suggestion, however don't place too much credence in "alarms". At our old home we had a full security system, monitored big sirens etc. We were burgalrized twice, (no one at home in a residential neighborhood), the first one it took the sheriffs 45 minutes to respond. (Station less than a mile from the house). Second time over and hour, both in the day time. No dogs allowed here at the park, but we do have two attack cats. BTW, the alarm did not deter the BG's they took what they wanted...Thanks

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
BTW, the alarm did not deter the BG's they took what they wanted...Thanks

Well, that is pretty rare but, regardless, the alarm should be considered an early warning system more than, or as much as, a real deterrent. An alarm will give you warning and allow some time to prepare at least. I'd also try for some type of "Neighborhood Watch" if possible. Beyond those things, there is little to be done besides a gun, assuming that you're not allowed to put up fences and bars on your windows. "Zones of fire" are where it's at for keeping neighbors safe, regardless of the home type.
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Uncle Buck

New member
The neighborhood my sister lives in has so many alarms going off, day and night, on cars and houses, most everyone ignores them.


New member
Alarms are mainly useful if they are so loud and earsplitting as to be a distraction to the home invader. Alerts you too of course.

chris in va

New member
I have those little alarms on the windows and door braces, but I still fear I won't wake up if someone tries to get in. If I wasn't gone so much, I'd get a small doggie, the best alarm there is.

My friend's daughter lives in a quiet neighborhood in Lexington KY. She's a senior in college and generally doesn't believe home invasions can happen around there. That pretty much changed a couple days ago when two were reported a mile or so down the road. I really fear for their security, she doesn't have so much as harsh words against someone breaking in.


New member
Well, I'm relieved to know our neighborhood is safer than it was. That takes a load off my mind.

One of the shortcomings of reading about incidents like this in the newspaper, which is about the only source of information I'm aware of at the moment (about this incident), is the scarcity of the minor details that are discussed to death here. For instance, there was no information the types or calibers used, the range involved, number of shots fired, the lighting or anything like that. No information of the placement of the individuals involved or their movements or even who shot first. Kind of leaves little room for meaningful comment.


New member
most of this needs to be thought about like the Fresno State
Football Coach's motto:

He'll play any team, anywhere, at any time.

I view break ins, street attacks, etc the same way.

Any criminal(s), anywhere, at any time.

Especially with addictions and this economy.


New member
there is a difference in a burglary and a home invasion

Burglaries happen when you are not at home and don't usually involve people getting hurt(daytime small time stuff)

Home invasions happen when you are at home and they still break in,this is the type that scares me the most.In this type of event i and my wife will do everything possible to make the threat go away.

Every night i take a knee and say a prayer that nothing ever happens and my wife,kids,and i can lead a boring life,that i don't want to have to deal with any cleanup or aftermath.


Burglary usually means the act of entering a dwelling illegally (in most jurisdictions). It can be done with or without forcing entry. Home invasions around here are called home invasion robberies. Robbery is where items are stolen either by the use of force, or by the treat of force. Home invasion robberies occur when a person(s) enter a home (legally or illegally) and conduct a robbery.

As stated above, home invasions are almost never random occurrences. Not being a "pharmaceutical sales rep" significantly reduces the likelihood you would be targeted, as does not keeping large amounts of cash / jewlery / valuables, and not telling people about these things.


New member
Burglaries can easily become home invasions when a member of the family is home throughout the day. Two female relatives have been surprised by people attempting to break in mid-day. Thankfully both times the intruder fled, but I shudder to think what could have happened. And yet neither armed themselves after the incident... :rolleyes: