Lobbying by governments and agencies

Jeff Thomas

New member
I've become more aware of a troubling political issue impacting firearms, and I seek your opinions and knowledge.

It is clear that local governments and state agencies spend a fair amount of time and money lobbying our state legislature in Arizona. (I'm sure it goes further, but this is the instant example.) I am troubled by what I see.

These cities, towns and state agencies adopt positions and undertake lobbying efforts using our tax dollars, government employees, and without any vote of the constituents. The vote I can understand, being that we are (theoretically) a constitutional republic. However, I am uncomfortable with this process.

It is clear that these governments can grind their ax, at our expense, for more taxing ability, infringement of our civil rights (firearms preemption law is the current issue) and so on.

I recently read of a small business group that wants to outlaw such lobbying by state agencies. Seems to me, we should outlaw lobbying by any government. The incestuous consequences seem quite subject to abuse and distortion of the 'public good'.

Your thoughts? Is this an issue in your state?

Thanks. Regards from AZ


New member
As I recall, this was a complaint made in Missouri after the defeat of Proposition B. That various government agencies used their tax funded resources to work against the measure.